I'm new here! I have 2 silkie hens and a Barnevelder, Swedish Flower Hen, and Marans, plus 5 Seramas! I'm looking for Silkie, Swedish Flower Hen, and Marans hatching eggs. I haven't been able to find any in Ontario and haven't had luck with shipped eggs. Can anyone help a girl out?
Hatching eggs
Forum rules
Any photos that accompany your ads must be of your own birds. If you have permission to use someone else's photo (for instance you have purchased that bird and now own it but are using the previous owner's photo) in ALL cases these photos must have credit given to the person that owns the photo. Anyone using someone else's photo without credit given, or found to have scooped a photo off the internet without acknowledging the source will have the post removed. Please give credit where credit it due-folks purchasing your birds/eggs would like to see YOUR birds, not someone else's. If you are posting a wanted ad and wish to add a photo of the ideal bird you would like, please reference the source website/person where you got the photo. People are expelled from schools for plagiarizing, let's not get into the habit of doing that here please. Please use the check mark to show you have found or sold your items, or that your trip has been completed in the sub-forums.
Any photos that accompany your ads must be of your own birds. If you have permission to use someone else's photo (for instance you have purchased that bird and now own it but are using the previous owner's photo) in ALL cases these photos must have credit given to the person that owns the photo. Anyone using someone else's photo without credit given, or found to have scooped a photo off the internet without acknowledging the source will have the post removed. Please give credit where credit it due-folks purchasing your birds/eggs would like to see YOUR birds, not someone else's. If you are posting a wanted ad and wish to add a photo of the ideal bird you would like, please reference the source website/person where you got the photo. People are expelled from schools for plagiarizing, let's not get into the habit of doing that here please. Please use the check mark to show you have found or sold your items, or that your trip has been completed in the sub-forums.