Photo booth for the "Ready made" crowd

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Photo booth for the "Ready made" crowd

Post by WLLady » Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:09 am

i finally had to draft my hubby into helping because my photo booth is the dog's blanket draped up over some boxes, and a feed bag on the floor LOL. the birds kept jumping onto the feed bins and escaping! so he stood there so they were trapped, and most of my photos are the birds glaring at him or me....
but you know what, even if your photo is crappy, troy knows what he's doing. my wheaten marans boy would NOT fold his wing up right. period. he just wouldn't. but i submitted it anyways. otherwise he was going to die of stress, and i was going to have a coronary....i don't know how many times i folded it up and posed him and by the time the photo happened he was all droopy wing again looking for places to escape. and 30 minutes later in his pen with his girls he's all perfect. go figure. oh well. he looks a sight, but i submitted anyways because i want troy's feedback. and you know what? if things go well i might entertain showing in "real" live shows sometime....maybe.
i also finally gave up on the turkeys and just photo'd them while they were walking around in the corner of the barn.
otherwise it was all turkey selfies or strutting
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Photo booth for the "Ready made" crowd

Post by windwalkingwolf » Fri Nov 18, 2016 5:03 pm

Pierre is handle-able, I can probably convince him with help to stay put long enough for a picture, butthe girls are very standoffish. But if a dirty cinder block wall is acceptable as a neutral background, maybe I can just herd them in the goats stall and snap a few? Would work better that way for the ducks too. This whole thing has been hilariously exhausting, and I'm not sure I'm up for another round of turkey wrestling LOL

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Photo booth for the "Ready made" crowd

Post by Ontario Chick » Fri Nov 18, 2016 8:37 pm

I tried the free ranging picture taking with cockerels, since I wasn't willing to wrestle them inside a photo booth or really any kind of booth
glad we don't have any close neighbors, observed by an outsider, a woman rushing about inside a dog kennel re-positioning a can of soup over and over while 3 cockerels are making all out effort not to be caught anywhere within shouting distance of said soup can, being observed with great interest by 14 Ameraucana hens lined up on the outside of the kennel turning heads as if they were watching game of tennis, very peculiar sight indeed.

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Photo booth for the "Ready made" crowd

Post by Killerbunny » Sat Nov 19, 2016 5:32 pm

I ended up using the Muskoka chair for a couple of girls that were standing on it. Yes Jan the girls are more stand offish!
Beltsville Small White turkeys.
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Photo booth for the "Ready made" crowd

Post by windwalkingwolf » Sun Nov 20, 2016 5:26 am

OK so, snapped a few more tonight. Pierre turkey was hanging outside and I snapped a couple of him there, took him inside, realized he and the one hen I wanted to photo had been doing the humpty dance and were covered in mud. Tried to clean them up to little avail, so Pierre's pictures are not of the beautiful, pristinely white turkey one might hope. Actually, none of them are clean but Pierre and the one girl are gross. The girl's back was hopelessly brown, so I took pictures of the other two girls. The one that spent most of the summer broody, molting, sick, or all three at the same time is clearly fully recovered as she has also been mud wrestling, but not as bad LOL. I tried photos in the goat stall, but they would not stand still with the lights on. Turned the lights off, and the cinder block wall made the pictures too dark. SO, back out to the milk room, couldn't get a good picture in the dog cage "booth" because of the dimensions, without the wire being in the way so I threw the thoroughly pooped-on drop sheet on the floor in front of the chest freezer and took turkey pictures using the freezer as background. I also took a couple of Mr.Fizzlebeef just for fun and called it a night. There were two other birds I wanted pictures of, a hen with purple leg band and a chocolate muscovy drake, but after 500 horrible pictures, I'll save them for another time. BTW, The only sort-of-semi-usable pictures of Justin I've been able to get, were in the cage and you can see the wire AND his head is kind of blurred. I'm going to submit one of them, but I understand if it's not usable and you disqualify it :)

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Photo booth for the "Ready made" crowd

Post by Jaye » Sun Nov 20, 2016 8:01 am

I had some challenges with the two hens I wanted to submit as well. For starters i couldnt get their legs very clean. Don't know what they were digging around in, but whatever it was wasnt coming off with dish soap and a toothbrush, and it was too late at night to have them stand and soak, so i gave up on clean legs.
I thought if i tried to get them standing correctly and hubby took the pictures, we might end up with one halfway decent photo of each before they got fed up with it all , but the camera had other ideas: it decided to malfunction, and all the photos were too dark. We didn't realize this until the hens were back in the coop, the photo booth had been cleared away, and we had uploaded the photos to the PC: the photos didn't' look dark in the camera preview window. Hubby is planning to see if he can figure out the brighten feature on the camera this morning. Would that be considered "retouching"?
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Photo booth for the "Ready made" crowd

Post by Killerbunny » Sun Nov 20, 2016 1:45 pm

Pics look good Jaye - well done!
Beltsville Small White turkeys.
Mutt chickens for eggs
RIP Stephen the BSW Tom and my coffee companion.
RIP Lucky the Very Brave Splash Wyandotte rooster.
RIP little Muppet the rescue cat.


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