Good Morning - 2023

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Re: Good Morning - 2023

Post by Killerbunny » Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:42 am

Happy Solstice all!
Beltsville Small White turkeys.
Mutt chickens for eggs
RIP Stephen the BSW Tom and my coffee companion.
RIP Lucky the Very Brave Splash Wyandotte rooster.
RIP little Muppet the rescue cat.


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Re: Good Morning - 2023

Post by Ontario Chick » Thu Dec 21, 2023 2:13 pm

Happy wrote:
Wed Dec 20, 2023 8:34 pm
Ontario Chick wrote:
Tue Dec 19, 2023 9:31 am
Wow how inventive of you, practical yet stylish...;)
How old is Sadie ?
Agree with @Brebis wishing you some quality time before it's her time.
Sadie is 15. Our vet was quite adamant that we needed to do surgery and then gave us options to biopsy or not from there. My husband golfs with a very respected retired vet. His advise was to let her enjoy the time she had left and not put her through that.
It occurred to me some time ago that my philosophy of life for myself, closely resembles my philosophy of life for our animals, or vice versa.
The extreme measures some people feel are needed to extend life, look pretty frightening to me.
Sadie had a lovely long life with you, and you will know when it's time to let go.

Came back fro. "doggy walk" this morning and said to DH, it feels like winter today.....
wait, I better check PT , it must be winter solstice, @Killerbunny will know :)

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Re: Good Morning - 2023

Post by lolotsung » Thu Dec 21, 2023 6:24 pm

I agree with everyone else @Happy you did the right thing... It's the quality of life... Beautiful and great idea...
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Re: Good Morning - 2023

Post by lolotsung » Thu Dec 21, 2023 7:49 pm

Happy Winter Solstice!
Happy Winter Solstice!
:broodyhen: :chicks: :feed ducks: :iheartpto:

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Re: Good Morning - 2023

Post by Killerbunny » Fri Dec 22, 2023 6:21 am

Beltsville Small White turkeys.
Mutt chickens for eggs
RIP Stephen the BSW Tom and my coffee companion.
RIP Lucky the Very Brave Splash Wyandotte rooster.
RIP little Muppet the rescue cat.


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Re: Good Morning - 2023

Post by Ontario Chick » Sat Dec 23, 2023 12:34 pm

Thank you @Killerbunny what an amazing experience, felt like I was there .

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Re: Good Morning - 2023

Post by Bayvistafarm » Mon Dec 25, 2023 5:53 pm

Good evening! Its Dec. 25th... and am so glad all the festivities are done with. We went to the farmhouse for the kids/grands on Saturday, I made the turkey/ham, mashed make-ahead potatoes, dressing, gravy and turnip. The kids brought other stuff. This morning, I made a breakfast strata, with those squarish hashbrown potatoes lined in a big pan, and topped with sausage, red pepper, lots of cheese, mushrooms, and 15 eggs mixed with milk/spices.... and baked for 1hr and 15 mins. SO good!!

So, not even hungry yet from this morning. Having a tea and some christmas baking, Melissa made us. So, probably won't even eat.

Tomorrow I'm thinking of making the trip up North to see the parents. So sad... mom has NO concept of Christmas.. nothing. My vehicle, that I was SO happy to buy in 2019.. is turning out to be the biggest piece of poop ever. So far, I've replaced the alternator, a Ford one you know, because a rebuilt one won't do... so that was over $700.... I've had the drive shaft replaced.... the air conditioning well, sort of fixed TWICE..... well, fixed not fixed.. ran dye thru the lines, what... used some sort of crap to plug a leak? Not sure what was done, I supposed I can read the bill... although it quit again after $500, end of September. Something happened to drain all the antifreeze out... it was fixed... twice. FFS. Right now it needs some CV assembly kit/part... it will be about $400..... and it didn't start two mornings ago. So, likely looking at a battery. GAWD. I wanted a reliable vehicle, to get me to Paisley twice a month... and now all I want to do is drive it into a wall.

Barn cats got some upper respiratory.... almost lost Roscoe. He was born in spring of 2005. He got SO bad... I was wondering why the hell I didn't put him down, when I took them both to the vet. The bill (with a pack of flea/tick stuff... $167) was $811. There went my $900 cheque, bus driver incentive money. 2 boxes of KIDS ANTIBIOTIC..... 15 mls each box, I reconstituted.... was $72.50 per box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My grandkids have been on that!! bubble gum flavour. I reamed them out for the price of that. I asked her why (sort of, sort of NOT now... a friend....) why she couldn't have written me a script to Costco for that, saved me lots of money. I'm so pissed at them right now. Oh.. Roscoe needs rehydrating... well, he needs it and has EVERY DAY!! Cha ching for that... oh well. Soon him and Stray boy will be gone. No more barn cats. No more dogs here ever, and when the house cat goes, done. I STILL have Brebis's turkey wandering around happy.... never changes... and you wonder will anything die? lol.

Well, November 7th was my birthday, and from previous happenings with April, I had the Vet come out and put her down. 23 years old. Well, 23.5 yrs. She was getting sore in the joints... legs... and she would just fall down sometimes. 5 x that I KNOW of... and twice had to use the skid steer to lift. I did witness her struggle and get up on her own, but it was so hard... and then she didn't want to walk, for her legs were probably asleep. I don't know how many times she was down, and got up, when I wasn't there. So, with winter coming, and potential ice/snow to make it slippery, we ended her life. So sad, in the pen chewing her cud, laying happy, and you could almost see the 'look' on her face, when a stranger with a bag walked in her pen. Gary had walked ahead, and got a halter on her, and held her down, so she couldn't get up. :( Sad Sad day. Sometimes I hate having animals.

Hope everyones holidays are good! I'm off from the bus til January 8th or so.. don't really know, lol.

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Re: Good Morning - 2023

Post by Killerbunny » Mon Dec 25, 2023 7:05 pm

@Bayvistafarm We do the best we can for our critters. April sounds like she had a happy life and it was time. Yes they know I believe. Had to put my 7 yr old rooster down last month and I still hate doing it although necessary. I'll quit when I don't care any more.
I think next year we'll come to your place for dinner sounds great.
Beltsville Small White turkeys.
Mutt chickens for eggs
RIP Stephen the BSW Tom and my coffee companion.
RIP Lucky the Very Brave Splash Wyandotte rooster.
RIP little Muppet the rescue cat.


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Re: Good Morning - 2023

Post by lolotsung » Thu Dec 28, 2023 11:13 am

@Bayvistafarm sounds like a fantastic breakfast... too bad about the car... I donated my car to Homeless Cars...i was spending thousands a year to keep the thing going... Sorry for your loss... Understand you don't want anymore pets...had so many pets in my time... the time, the cost, and effort to take care of them and most of all picking up the pieces of your broken heart afterwards... April had a long happy life... Sounds like it was time... Wishing you the best in the new year!
:broodyhen: :chicks: :feed ducks: :iheartpto:

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Re: Good Morning - 2023

Post by lolotsung » Thu Dec 28, 2023 12:05 pm

Does anyone want to buy this candle?
Does anyone want to buy this candle?
$154 for 3 little white birch logs

Who buys these things at the Mall 🤣😂🤣
Last edited by lolotsung on Thu Dec 28, 2023 3:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
:broodyhen: :chicks: :feed ducks: :iheartpto:


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