Bald9white) faced hornets

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Bald9white) faced hornets

Post by Killerbunny » Thu Aug 18, 2022 10:35 am

Really interesting around the raspberries. There are lots of White-faced hornets but they appear to be pollinating. I am being careful but they don't seem very aggressive. Not eating the fruit etc. ANyone else seen this? In Orillia the would cover the cotoneaster hedge to the extent we tore it out.
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Re: Bald9white) faced hornets

Post by lolotsung » Thu Aug 18, 2022 11:08 pm

I think I saw a few walking up a window. I have never had a wasp or bee sting me except for when I deserved it. Accidentally squished one on my knee while asleep on a train, accidentally squished one when dumping garbage in a bin, accidentally stepped on a nest, etc.

My last reaction to a wasp sting was about 5" in diameter and my arm swelled up because the wasp had a "dirty stinger?" had to go to the doctor to get antibiotics because the infection was progressively getting worse.

Now, when I see a wasp I leave, LOL
Last edited by lolotsung on Fri Aug 19, 2022 10:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Bald9white) faced hornets

Post by labradors » Fri Aug 19, 2022 8:19 am

We hang fake hornet nests around (when we remember) and they seem to keeps them away from the house.

The other night, I went to re-fill the chicken bin from a bag in a large Rubbermaid box with a hinged lid. I was rummaging around in one of the trash cans inside the box when I felt something on my elbow. I looked down at what looked like a tarantula wrapped around my elbow, and all I could see were the tips of its feet and it HURT! I was absolutely freaked out, and tried to brush it off. Then I realized it was wasps, stinging me. I honestly think that the fear in my mind was a whole lot worse than my painful arm. It swelled up, and took a couple of days to return to normal.

Since we'd already battled wasps in hubbie's barn, we had some wasp spray on hand, and went back under cover of darkness to spray them. They had built their nest in the crevice where the prop comes up to hold up the lid! It was easy to spray them, and they didn't reappear. I hate to do that, but I also hate to get stung, so they had to go.....


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Re: Bald9white) faced hornets

Post by Killerbunny » Fri Aug 19, 2022 11:06 am

we don't know where the nest is either. Had a big wasp nest in the turkey coop we found by accident. Vian got severely stung by wasps around the ankles years back when they had a nest under the deck. Horrible swelling and many antihistamines taken.
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