Coronavirus - how much do you worry ?

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Re: Coronavirus - how much do you worry ?

Post by spuddog59 » Mon May 25, 2020 7:12 pm

Sooo... Spuddog59 is just getting caught up Around the Waterer. Couldn't bring myself to delve into this topic for fear of, well, whole lotta stuff! But what a fascinating and gut-wrenching story to date, with more thrills and chills ahead. It has been reassuring to read all the posts and to see what we all have in common, shared values (food, independence, family, community care, respect, gratitude) even when our politics vary.

In response to the starting of this thread "What will you do differently?" I had a major recurrence of prepper-ism, in spite of being a de-farmed transplant to urbanity. We used to cut our own firewood, make maple syrup, shampoo from plants, elderberry everything, veggies, herbs, angora fiber for spinning, weaving, felting and knitting. Then the animals: quail, heritage breed chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, quail, rabbits and pigs.

Now, in the city, how can we transplant any of that knowledge into a downtown core in a rented (grr) duplex with a shared yard, a**hole nay-boors, and govmint bylaws?? Stealthily, craftily, and stubbornly. Those might become my super powers...

When the food supply-chain breakage news started to break, so did my weakened sanity. We had already been slowly gathering extra supplies a little at a time in the event of needing to do a 2-week quarantine. Seemed reasonable. Until store shelves started emptying out and I swear I could smell the excrement nearing the ventilation device! My foot hit the gas, prep wise, and the aspects of that occurrence which are germane to this forum, centre on my new quail and pigeons.

In the city of Windsor it is legal to keep up to 80!!! pigeons, including the ironically-named "Runts", who are the largest of the utility pigeon breeds. They are bigger than my leghorns, nearly the size of Chanteclers, sweet, intelligent, and beautiful! I love them. We will eat their young. Muwahaha. But only when the trucks stop rolling. Problems include: rats and cats, owner is a newbie, limited space to house them without creating a permanent structure (rental grr), and no truck. Also this is a huuuge racing-pigeon area. Very hard to find stock to buy, especially during lockdown, and with auctions and shows cancelled. I think we got the last birds for sale this side of the Rockies! A guy recently offered to pay whatever I wanted for mine! Not much info or support here in squab raising for 'utility' (ie, we eat their young) birds. Also tricky storing huge sacks of feed and bedding with no outbuilding or garage, then where am I putting the poop...

Big change I made was to give up weaving (20-year hobby), sell my looms, thread stash, and equipment to make room for indoor birds. One giant runt pigeon without a roo lives indoors as a pet, but really needs a safe outdoor fly space. We have hawks here! Although she is likely larger than one, but not as adroit. Outdoors in too-small rabbit cages we have two pair of giant runts who are each setting clutches of 4. Fingers crossed. Their repro methods are so foreign to me. The young have to be raised by pigeons and cannot be bator-hatched then put on feed. It's more like with songbirds.

Am allowed two non-native quail indoors as pets, just haven't decided which of the 6 to keep. Heehee. The roos were brined and scrumptious! The hens obediently make me 6 eggs per day, also scrumptious! They are 5 Italian golden coturnix, and one may be a 'Sparkly' jumbo brown. The girls line up for "back rubs" (I know what they are really after) every time they see me and are exceedingly adorable! Got em off a hairdresser in town, who also farms. Joined a quail FB group with over 6,000 members worldwide, getting quail info and first-hand international covid reports.

It has occurred to me that if you can't defend your food supply, you may be just prepping for looters, so having birds indoors pleases my inner prepper. Bator and more birds on the shopping list. Am actually allowed an air pistol or air rifle here, as long as it is never shown to anyone, verbally referred to, or fired. Woot. I could fish, but...Detroit.

Gawd, this is too long. Won't be surprised if you ban me! Now I feel I have made up for lost time and am up-to-date! Can't put off doing my asparagus pickling any longer. Cheers to all!

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Re: Coronavirus - how much do you worry ?

Post by ross » Mon May 25, 2020 11:21 pm

Good read

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Re: Coronavirus - how much do you worry ?

Post by Ontario Chick » Tue May 26, 2020 9:44 am

spuddog59 wrote:
Mon May 25, 2020 5:17 pm
Ontario Chick wrote:
Tue Mar 31, 2020 6:06 pm
I think I have earned my whine, no library, no yoga, no theater, no travel to visit grandchildren and only snow drops peeking out of the ground.
Actually I think I miss the library most, a weekly pop in to the local cafe and library stop, is the total of my social life and although my shelves are full of books, turns out there are no surprises there anymore, the good ones I remember too well and who wants to re-read the not so good ones ? ;)
Internet holds no interest for me, (accept for the kindred souls on PTO) not that interested in other peoples lives, my hopes for a new pup have been dashed and frankly I can only spend that many hours a day cooking and cleaning.
Oh yeah, and the worst one, no hatching !!!!
Curious what happened to dash your new-pup-hope? Me too - breeder in Chatham sold my pre-paid pup "by mistake" to someone else who paid more! Refunded my money, but no pup for me! Had the food, gear bought. Can't find pups anywhere now for under$2K and scamming galore.
When it became obvious that things weren't going to get back to "normal" not only in weeks or in month, and since I am not willing to give up having a dog, I decided to start my search over again found a reputable breeder and will wait for the next litter.

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Re: Coronavirus - how much do you worry ?

Post by Shnookie » Tue May 26, 2020 7:31 pm

OC watch out for the puppy fraudsters. They have scammed money out of several people. I saw it on the news yesterday.

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Re: Coronavirus - how much do you worry ?

Post by Shnookie » Tue May 26, 2020 7:35 pm

It will be interesting to see what happens here as far as new outbreaks. Some people follow health guidelines when out in public and some don't.

It was really sad to hear about the appalling conditions in so many nursing homes. That's a terrible and degrading way to live, and with no family or friends able to check on them or get them help.

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Re: Coronavirus - how much do you worry ?

Post by Ontario Chick » Wed May 27, 2020 10:29 am

Shnookie wrote:
Tue May 26, 2020 7:31 pm
OC watch out for the puppy fraudsters. They have scammed money out of several people. I saw it on the news yesterday.
Since I know where the breeder lives, not a problem here.
Actual don't get people sending money to anybody they don't know hoping they are honest???

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Re: Coronavirus - how much do you worry ?

Post by windwalkingwolf » Fri Jul 03, 2020 2:33 am

This is me now, at work. Day in, day out. It's hot. It's humid. I can barely breathe. It got old long ago. It's inconvenient. But it's necessary to keep our parents and grandparents from dying, and to keep younger folk from losing 10-20 years off their lives, so I suck it up and pant in the humidity like a grown-up, and keep whining to the bare minimum.
P.s., SARS v.2. still has nothing to do with cell towers, you morons.

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Re: Coronavirus - how much do you worry ?

Post by Ontario Chick » Fri Jul 03, 2020 8:42 am

Very becoming and somewhat otherworldly, glad you are well equipped. :coolguy:

Listening to people who don't need to (and nobody can make them) wear a mask, because they have god given right to be idiots makes me wonder about the future of the human race. :idunno:

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Re: Coronavirus - how much do you worry ?

Post by ross » Fri Jul 03, 2020 9:48 am

Guess if they get it makes more room for others & less pollution OC . Sorry for your problems Jan but yu do look sweet in your head gear 😉

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Re: Coronavirus - how much do you worry ?

Post by Farrier1987 » Fri Jul 03, 2020 10:12 am

windwalkingwolf wrote:
Fri Jul 03, 2020 2:33 am

Do you sound like Darth Vader when you talk?
Farrier1987. South of Chatham on Lake Erie. Chickens, goats, horse, garden, dog, cat. Worked all over the world. Know a little bit about a lot of things. No incubator, broody hens.


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