Good Morning! 2019

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Re: Good Morning!

Post by Farrier1987 » Sun Oct 06, 2019 10:07 am

Havent been on much lately. I broke down and got a job, isnt that disgusting? And more disgusting yet, i'm a darn salesman, oh, the shame. I will not pollute this site with wheedlings for business, thats not what its for. That said, I am working for a Yamaha dealer, quads, sleds, generators, holiday trailers etc, new and used. Anyone wishes to axe questions and stuff, I might be convinced via PM's.

And lots of stuff being neglected around here. Chores in the dark morn and night. Garden not put to bed, and likely wont get done this fall.

First time since about April I havent had a hen setting. Last one hatched on wed. I had set one on about 8 eggs, got three Marans from someone local, and a couple of Rumpless Ameraucana (Jaye, spell check please) . About ten days into the set, she broke. I saw it in the morning doing chores. And there was my old Peachy in a nest box swearing at me, still in the dark. The eggs in the nest werent stone cold, but pretty cool, and I had to get to work. So I put Peachy on them and figured what will be will be, didnt really think any would make it. But Wed, there was peeping. One black chick, fairly small, guessing Marans, but time will tell. Hope its a pullet.

Anyway, got to do some yard cleanup, put away the lawn moaner for the year, play with dogs goats and chickens and horse a little, take my wife out for 25th aniversary supper, being joined by some friends, should be nice. Its wonderful, the 25 yrs, rough spots happen of course, but overall, I live with my best friend and its great. Who'da thunk 25 years ago that two from the recycle bin would make it this far.
Farrier1987. South of Chatham on Lake Erie. Chickens, goats, horse, garden, dog, cat. Worked all over the world. Know a little bit about a lot of things. No incubator, broody hens.

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Re: Good Morning!

Post by Ontario Chick » Sun Oct 06, 2019 11:21 am

Rumpless Araucanas :)
since you are selling "man/women toys" we will overlook it ;)

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Re: Good Morning!

Post by WLLady » Tue Oct 08, 2019 8:32 am

Great to spend the evening with you both @Farrier1987! yep...out for dinner. this weekend will be our big "clean up around the farm" weekend. last of the culls to the freezer, move around all the birds, old ones that are barely laying any more will go out to the outside coop, while the youngsters will get sprinkled around into their pens upstairs in the barn. Need to track down the other 24 bales of hay i'm owed before the harvest starts....beans are almost ready to come off. corn looks like poop this year. oh well. hopefully no vomitoxin....but smut hit bad down here this year. sigh. beans will likely fare better. oh well. it's farming.
need to cut the grass one last time before winter. and then winterize the mower. clean out the garden. I picked green peppers 2 days ago. that's a first. peppers in october. and no frost yet! but last night was quite close....want to clean out the greenhouse too, and get it ready for the spring panic of flats after flats of seeds. need the tables clear for the flats! and of course deer/turkey opened on the 1st, got "my" stand put up last weekend amid the mud and can't wait to go and listen to the woods for a few hours this weekend sometime. the colour is starting in a big way down here, should be quite the show this year! and i can hear the horse fence clicking in a couple of places. so i need to go fix those before the snow flies. clean the stalls out, spread some manure....get the winter stall opened up (it has plastic curtains in the door way to keep the wind out) and that means moving the ducks into the summer stall and the horses into the back, which means drafting the hubby and the tall ladder because the sliding door is off the track at the top....argh. oh well. birds built a nest in the track this spring and pushed it off with the ever expanding nest of hay and straw and grass. darned birds. and then it's sparrow and starling hunting time in the loft of the barn so they don't move in for the winter.
had the coyotes right up near the house the other night. one of my cats now refuses to go think she likely had a close call. hope everyone has a great week!
:giraffe: Pet quality wheaten/blue wheaten ameraucanas, welsummers, barred rocks, light brown leghorns; Projects on the go: rhodebars, welbars

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Re: Good Morning!

Post by Ontario Chick » Tue Oct 08, 2019 10:30 am

Reading @WLLady post, interesting to see the differences, had first frost or close enough few nights ago, covered the tomatoes, but still they look a bit off, so few green ones in to cold storage, they usually finish there.
The leaves on Butternut squash are mostly black, not sure if I should leave the gourds out for a bit, some are still half green, to take advantage of the sunny weather this week, or just take them in too.
Half of the potato tops are still green, not sure what is going on there.
Harvested the ones that died off, pretty good haul on the purple ones not so much on the yellow.

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Re: Good Morning!

Post by thegawd » Tue Oct 08, 2019 10:44 am

Brebis wrote:
Fri Sep 27, 2019 11:08 am
Well there is a precedent for using the Blandings turtles to stop encroachment into wetlands and the like, they were the reason one Wind farm was stopped here in Prince Edward County. Hope the turtles win in this case!
Blandings turtles are highly protected and so is there environment. Huge penalties for destroying there habitat.

Contact the mnr @Ontario Chick

They are very helpful.

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Re: Good Morning!

Post by Ontario Chick » Tue Oct 08, 2019 12:25 pm

thegawd wrote:
Tue Oct 08, 2019 10:44 am
Brebis wrote:
Fri Sep 27, 2019 11:08 am
Well there is a precedent for using the Blandings turtles to stop encroachment into wetlands and the like, they were the reason one Wind farm was stopped here in Prince Edward County. Hope the turtles win in this case!
Blandings turtles are highly protected and so is there environment. Huge penalties for destroying there habitat.

Contact the mnr @Ontario Chick

They are very helpful.
Contacted EVERYBODY who would listen including MNR, who knew my hundreds of pictures of turtles would come in handy ;)

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Re: Good Morning!

Post by Killerbunny » Tue Oct 08, 2019 1:48 pm

Don't forget your Eastern Ribbon Snake!
Beltsville Small White turkeys.
Mutt chickens for eggs
RIP Stephen the BSW Tom and my coffee companion.
RIP Lucky the Very Brave Splash Wyandotte rooster.
RIP little Muppet the rescue cat.


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Re: Good Morning!

Post by Bayvistafarm » Mon Oct 14, 2019 3:00 pm

What a beautiful weekend!!!!!!!!!!! Well... Saturday morning it rained a little. I tried to do some bookwork, then Gary wanted to go to the fair. I swear (and I do a lot), every single time I try and start that, something happens. At least I got 3 months worth of bank statements downloaded and printed.

I cut grass today. Hopefully some of the pieces I did will be the last time this year. Supposed to get a frost tonight. It will be the first we've had. Everyone around us has had it.... we are lucky... live just above the escarpment, and can actually see Lake Ontario from here... well, the bay... and that air keeps us a little warmer later. I had to come in and put a pie in the oven for a dinner we are invited to later today. The wind was wicked.. so I need a shower... I got covered in grass!!!!!!!! I need to do more... don't know about tomorrow... Holly has a grooming appointment at noon, and then bus... then an osteo appointment. I WAS going to get Dave's kids... but seeing as how he had ano appointment at 5:30pm..... we switched out his for mine at 6:30pm, and he will get his kids. I only make mine LATER.. last appointment of her night, because getting home from bus and getting the kids (one from Daycare), and one from aftercare at school... takes time. I don't usually get home until closer to 5pm. I go right by both spots with my bus, so I got approved to pick them up after my run. Makes it easier for them. Jess works at the beer store, and closes tomorrow night.

I spread manure on my potato patch, which when I dug, I dug DEEP as I could, and worked it in. I had already worked it with the rototiller once. OMG.. I dug a little trench to make straight lines, and then all I had to do was poke the garlic down a couple inches. So so nice. I wanted to plant oats on it, and have it come up and die down in the spring for a mulch.... but now I think I will have more oats on top, that will not germinate.... and attract mice... AND germinate next spring, lol. So... thats out. I'm glad I got it planted, as Tuesday night, its to rain, and lots of rain on Wednesday. Maybe a bookwork day?
2019 planted garlic.jpg
I really need to get off of here and clean my bathroom.

Hate that. My robot vacuum is working hard, lol. Too hard I think.... sounds like the golden retriever hair needs to come of of the wheels and stuff. Ugh. I washed all laundry today. Bed sheets, barn clothes and good clothes, and used the dryer for the good. The barn and the sheets went outside. Course, I just hung the heavy barn clothes, and the sun disappears.

I should be picking my raspberries.

I cleaned the entire 'horse' barn out yesterday. Moved all the pairs of peacocks around, and cleaned their pen, because I had an empty pen. Got rid of my last good Royal Palm Tom... so all I have left is geriatric birds... don't lay... don't breed.. although he still thinks he can... the hens are BAD for being broody... and try and sit on the one 'free' hen, that lays her eggs where they all sleep. Ugh. Then, moved a pair of peas to a horse stall, and then thought I had it all rigged to keep guinea's in. NOT. They are such bastards really. So, with Gary's help (he did some wire) and I did feed bags nailed and tied down with twine... ALL WITH THEM IN THE PEN. I had put bricks up in the spaces above the beams... I tell you, its such a s h i t show with me doing stuff on my own. Needless to say it was a freak show... and I got hit in the head, and swiped in the eye with a wing, and I seriously wanted to grab it and kill it right there and then. This was AFTER the freak show of trying to catch the 6 Royal Purple ones from the group in the first place (24 in the pen), trying to shut the light off... using my DAMN cell phone light... they were all over my head and my lungs were all dust, my eyes... and those paper masks are S H I T.

I need a bath... so dusty from cutting grass... its all over me with the west wind, UGH.

Last day of the fair. I'm hoping Dave will bring the stuff home Gary showed. No biggie anyhow. I do want the squash that Sawyer and Jacob showed, and my garlic, which won a first prize, AND a grand champion ribbon. My garlic just gets bigger and better every year!!

I need to make my bed too... so I don't get home tonight, tired and miserable, and HAVE to make my bed, lol.

So, hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!! ONLY ONE MORE DAY OF DOING THAT SHARED EXTRA BUS RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! I haven't even driven MY own route yet!! Parts of it... but not the whole entire thing. I have new stops that I don't even know where they are. I guess I will kinda sorta know when I drive up to them, with a kid standing out there. Hopefully at the right times, because everyone has had there times screwed up with us (Nancy and I) concocting a new run for each of us, lol.

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Re: Good Morning!

Post by Jaye » Mon Oct 14, 2019 6:11 pm

Congrats on winning the prize for garlic!
Always good to read your updates on life is going for you. :-)
RIP Scooby, AKA Awesome Dog. Too well loved to ever be forgotten. "Sometime in June", 2005 - January 24, 2017.
"Until one has loved an animal, part of one's soul remains unawakened" - Anatole France

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Re: Good Morning!

Post by WLLady » Tue Oct 15, 2019 8:06 am

Ug...another thing for the list....plant garlic! Congrats @Bayvistafarm on your garlic win!!!!

spent the weekend chasing deer around....well, not really, hubby got one on saturday, so we finally got that fully into the freezer yesterday afternoon.
my turn next. maybe i'll get some time to get out there and do something.
but garlic needs to go in. garden FINALLY got frost last night! so i can FINALLY get stuff pulled out and make a spot for the garlic that hasn't been garlic in the last 2 years. so much to do in the fall. And not sure that i can get any holidays.
ah well. soon it will be winter without the garden work.....then it will be shovelling. LOL
:giraffe: Pet quality wheaten/blue wheaten ameraucanas, welsummers, barred rocks, light brown leghorns; Projects on the go: rhodebars, welbars


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