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Egg Carton Meanings

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:20 am
by SandyM
Interesting to see only 1 is 'no beak trimming'

The frustration with the terminology/wording is what their allowed to get away with. For example 'access to the outdoors' is simply open big doors but they are fenced off from roaming etc. Fans are turned on for fresher air and natural sunlight thought the open doors. It's manipulation of words. Sort of like 'Natural Flavour' last time I checked, an apple didn't have an ingredient list. Ok, ranting...check it out.

Egg Carton Meanings

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:30 am
by Ontario Chick
Very interesting, Thanks for posting it Sandy.
Was just showing DH an ad for Fish - 4 Point description, not one of them giving ANY actual information which would be of any help at all deciding if I wanted to eat it. All 4 Points sounding very Green and Natural and positive. =(
So even my breakfast starts with a rant ;)

Egg Carton Meanings

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:37 am
by SandyM
My pleasure OC!

I have a chart on fish I'll dig up later. Also what farmed fish are fed. ALARMING. Don't forget your added synthetic hormones on your dinner plate

Egg Carton Meanings

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 1:22 pm
by hayladee
Sandy, what is "forced molting" ?

Egg Carton Meanings

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 4:56 pm
by thegawd
forced moulting is forcing the birds to moult when you want them to instead of throwing off your schedual... im suprised its even employed by commercial producers instead of culling and starting over. i think that is a good thing. lots of show breeders also do this to to bring their birds into show conditioning when they want them to.

It dosent hurt or kill the birds. iv never done it and I may be wrong in the method but you keep the birds in the dark for 24 hours, withhold feed, provide water and then turn the lights back on and give them feed? not sure exactly. this stressful event makes all the birds moult and will come back into laying/conditioning on a predicated schedual.

Egg Carton Meanings

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:12 pm
by SandyM
Exactly, thanks Al. I know some backyard chicken keepers do this so they have eggs year round. As you said, control their molt to our convenience.

If I can use a human type experience: in humans it is similar to birth control. If we're going on holidays and don't want the uterus to celebrate not being pregnant we continue on the pill and the celebration is delayed accordingly. Alternatively, the sugar pill or the seven days you aren't on the pill forces a schedule timed 'moult'

Does that make sense?

I've heard that soy induces moult, so they would give only soy for the day before, then shut the lights and the process begins.