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Long lasting heat?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 8:06 am
by Farrier1987
So I have a doe, yearling, had her first this year. They are two months old. Alpine. No buck here, except a 2 mo old.

She seems to have come into heat, sort of. Baa all day long for the last week or so, but no tail twitching/wagging, no discharge. The other doe, her mother, has not riding her, but pushing her around more than usual. And this morning the mother is acting like a buck, that soft grunt and tongue hanging out, hair on her back raised, pushing her around, but not mounting. They are healthy and well fed and supplied with mineral/salt., on pasture and grain twice a day and some alfalfa hay.

So questions. Is this normal? When in heat before, usually lasts only one or two days in my limited experience. Is it really in heat? It is early in the season for an Alpine I think. I can get a buck easy from the neighbor, should I? It would mean November kids, which wouldn't be bad. Is it likely to take? Is there something else that might cause this, illness of some kind?

Input, opinions form others would be appreciated. Thanks.

Long lasting heat?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 12:41 pm
by WLLady
From my vet embrology class a goat can go back into heat within 30 days of kidding....if she is in great condition it probably wouldnt hurt her but if she was mine i would probably wait and just kid once a year so she isnt too stressed physiologically.....
Just my thoughts...but i also am not a goat person. Lol

Long lasting heat?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 11:04 pm
by redninja
I agree with WLLady. Once a year is plenty for a goat.

We had some bossy issues when 2 of the 4 girls would go into heat. The acting like a buck I've never seen from a doe.

This year our older doe has really been pushing her daughter around. I'm sure longer term goat people have better insight.

Long lasting heat?

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 5:19 am
by windwalkingwolf
I currently only have two adult does, the older one has kidded three times and the younger one only once, last time for both was in April. Neither "flagged" last year when in heat, nor the year before. I have three younger does from those two, and these younger does are now starting to feel the hormones that come with age...and they don't "flag" either. I last put the girls with the dude together last October, watching for heat the whole time, and never saw ANYTHING, no tail wagging, no calling, no standing, no mounting, no changes in vulvas, NOTHING with these twogirls . But clearly they let the Billy do his job as both had twins in April, 2 or so hours apart from each other. Now the oldest nanny is being bossy with all the girls and looking ripe, for want of a better word. We'll see. I don't want December babies but if she has been in season, I don't have a choice since Pa the billy Saanen mix is good to go 3-4 times a bloody year if his smell is any indication. Goats are infuriating. I'm hoping for a reallly long summer. December long.

Long lasting heat?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 6:30 pm
by The Goatlady
This time of year it's called silent heat..normally occurring May/June....the nannies are in heat for only a few hours of one day...the buck is always ready to do his job and he will do his best to tease them into cycling. ....their is only a short window for breeding during silent nannies are being bred now for November 29th kidding

Long lasting heat?

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 6:51 pm
by The Goatlady
Some goats show no signs of heat....while others do a scream and dance show....some even follow ya around, others become depressed ..some don't eat...the goats are all unique in showing estrus cycling...but having goat kids when it's the cold season is not the best ...far more work and care, making sure they don't get chilled..