Farm Quail

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Farm Quail

Post by bdocquail » Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:40 pm

Hello everyone,

I'm starting up our farm here in Ontario, and had another farmer who has retired kind of take me under his wing in regards to rabbit. As I was doing research, I decided to add jumbo coturnix quail and guinea fowl to our list farm list to sell eggs at the farmstand. I'm trying to put together all the research to potentially also send them to the packer. The farmer who has been mentoring me has been out of the game for about 10 years now, so he's not sure of current pricing.

I was wondering if anyone else raises quail and quineas for meat and sells live weight to the packer that would be willing to give me some of the in and outs of it, or at least rough estimates on what the packer buys for.

Any information would be greatly appreciated

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Re: Farm Quail

Post by lolotsung » Sun Dec 03, 2023 7:33 am

Hi @bdocquail this is not an answer to your question but it may be helpful. My nephew had rabbits and he sold them for meat and pets. He said he would get far more for his rabbits as a pet than meat. So I'm thinking that anyone that owns birds of prey, reptiles, etc. may want fresh or frozen quail for them. Maybe there is a birds of prey group where you can post an add?
:broodyhen: :chicks: :feed ducks: :iheartpto:

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