Calf hutch and a few ducks

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Re: Calf hutch and a few ducks

Post by Jaye » Sat Sep 05, 2020 7:42 pm

Have you tried treat training? Shaking a can full of whatever they especially like accompanied by some vocal call, like "chick,chick,chick" doesn't take long for them to get it. Maybe a few days. after that you have currency to get them to go where you want them. Rewards for compliance, of course: positive reinforcement goes a long way towards getting the results you want.
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Re: Calf hutch and a few ducks

Post by mushmick » Sun Dec 06, 2020 3:35 pm

SandyM wrote:
Thu Mar 03, 2016 9:34 am
Ok, I think I'm pretty flipping brilliant for this idea. But I'm going to put it out there for the experienced to show me any flaws.

I had ducks last year. Holy sloppy mess! They had the potential to ruin a new coop in 6 months. poop up the walls, poop on the door, poop in corners that I didn't even think their ass would meet. I remember one day I had to be gone all day so I left them in the pen with a kiddie pool and their coop door open. I can't even tell you the melt down I had when I got home. More water in the coop than in the pool but the happiest ducks ever. I don't even know how that is possible, but it happened.

Anyways, so ducks went to a new home, better home. I need a better set up to have them again. So I got brilliant one evening and had an aaahhh ha! Moment.

Calf hutch. Omg! Smart eh? I can attach the hutch to a solid floor to secure them, put on a hinge and locking door to secure them and make a small pen for them on the days I'm not allowing them to free range for whatever reason. I can power wash the hutch on change litter change outs. Power wash! Brilliant!!

In the winter Lou suggested wrapping the hutch in the thermal insulator blankets. We'll see. My coops don't have insulation so I'm not overly worried about it.

Anyways, ducks, calf hutch. Thoughts??

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Re: Calf hutch and a few ducks

Post by mushmick » Sun Dec 06, 2020 3:44 pm

Hi all, I am trying to figure out how to winterize my calf hutch for my ducks. For those of you that have done this, how did you block the wind and keep their food dry from rain or snow? I place the food in the hutch every night. I made a spot in the straw to insert the food container and also did the same for the water bucket. I am worried once the snow starts falling here in Pennsylvania that most will end up inside the hutch. I was using traps in the Summer until the last big storm shredded the trap. Any ideas will be helpful. Thanks
Ducks are spending most of there time in the pond, now that there is enough water for them to swim there.

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