noob from Oxford county

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Newly Hatched Chick
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Joined: Sat Nov 12, 2016 12:06 pm
Location: Ingersoll
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noob from Oxford county

Post by pipes » Sun Nov 20, 2016 7:31 am

Poultryprincess wrote:QR_BBPOST I find as chicks, the bantams & standards do ok together.
Once they get older then sometimes I have to separate them.
If you get a cranky standard, they can be relentless to a bantam.
Either way you & your sons will LUV the journey!
Thank you.
I hope so, there's no turning back now...

Well it's officially winter here now. :P All that's left for me is to start moving next weekend, and then start planning a garage for the house, a coop, and a shop for my business. All to be built in the spring.

What do you guys recommend size wise (other than as big as you can) for a hen house? I have a 175' wide x 305' deep lot. So there is such a thing as too big. I would like to have eggs for me and my 3 boys, plus a few for my mother, and maybe the neighbor. We have eggs a couple times a week (2 each), but will likely eat more once we have birds. So maybe 7-8 eggs every other day or so...

What do you think...
I'm not saying get rid of the stupid people, I'm saying do away with the warning labels and let the problem work its self out.

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