Low sugar (no butter) banana bread

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Low sugar (no butter) banana bread

Post by windwalkingwolf » Tue Feb 14, 2017 3:41 am

OK, made it and ate some :) I made a double batch, so I could make one loaf with semi-sweet chocolate chips and one without. Hubby didn't want chocolate, but I think he's going to be sorry. I used 8 black bananas mashed into 4 beaten eggs, and in typical lazy fashion, I didn't sift the dry ingredients, just mashed them in in no particular order. There are some definite pros and some definite cons to this recipe. Pros--easy, fast, inexpensive, and you probably have all or most of the ingredients already, wonderfully dense and moist right out of the oven, good if you're trying to cut down on fats, sugars, or are allergic to taste in your food. Texture is GREAT, like a delicious, fresh slice of homemade whole grain bread, only with bananas, so BETTER lol.
Cons: Boring. Tastes like a cheap store brand whole grain bread, if it had bananas, so, banana flavoured cardboard. It definitely needed the chocolate chips. I also ended up putting butter on it LOL. Nuts would have been good as well, but mine had been sitting in the cupboard too long and starting to get that past-due smell to them, so no nuts. Other things that would be good in it and give it a little oomph, are shredded coconut, sunflower seeds, maybe even some dried currants. You could probably add a bit of molasses to darken it up if you're using fresher bananas than I did, and give it a bit more flavour as well.
All in all, the pros outweigh the cons, and I will almost certainly make it again (butter ain't cheap) and tweak it more to my liking.
Thank you for the recipe!

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Low sugar (no butter) banana bread

Post by Bayvistafarm » Tue Feb 14, 2017 8:48 am

When you eat future slices, make sure you put them in the microwave, or toaster oven to warm them abit. Much nicer. AND if you don't/didn't have enough banana's... which you would need to moisten the bread... I'm sure unsweetened applesauce would work. It definitely tastes different than bread made with a ton of sugar. But the banana's made it sweet enough, if you don't like to be gagged with sweetness. My husband said he liked it... but I have noticed that I am the only one eating this, LOL. The other loaves made the traditional way, would have been scobbed up by him in an instant.

For this reason alone, I will continue to make it my way, LOL. Nothing better than a warm slice of this with coffee early in the morning before the bus run... to soak up the coffee if anything else... so I am not busting by the time I get home, LOL.

Glad you liked it. Its probably not for everyone, being low sugar... but chocolate chips definitely would make it good!

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Low sugar (no butter) banana bread

Post by Killerbunny » Tue Feb 14, 2017 10:00 am

Cranberries always go well in banana bread. Going to try the shredded coconut Jan!
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Low sugar (no butter) banana bread

Post by Ontario Chick » Tue Feb 14, 2017 10:46 am

Even my "low banana" version, warmed up in a toaster and drizzled with honey, is this side of heaven, so indeed thank you BF! :)
I always put cup of chopped walnuts and cinnamon and nutmeg in my banana bread so included those.
Interestingly my original banana bread recipe called for 2/3 cup sugar, I have already downsized it to 1/3 cup, not for any health consideration, just thought it was too sweet, and now turns out even that wasn't necessary.

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Low sugar (no butter) banana bread

Post by Ontario Chick » Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:14 am

Version # 2 using 4 bananas, much better moister and springier.
The recipe really lend itself well to any other addition, KB's mention of cranberries made me think a handful of blueberries would work well too.
Banana bread #2.jpg

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Low sugar (no butter) banana bread

Post by Maximus » Fri Feb 24, 2017 8:47 am

P :banana:
There. Better?
Last edited by Maximus on Fri Feb 24, 2017 9:11 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Low sugar (no butter) banana bread

Post by Ontario Chick » Fri Feb 24, 2017 8:56 am

Maximus, why not start a new thread?
this one has a heading of LOW SUGAR NO BUTTER, which may discourage some butter and sugar lovers from looking ;)
Your post would be a great start to a variety of different banana bread versions?

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