How's the sap coming in?

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Re: How's the sap coming in?

Post by Killerbunny » Thu Apr 05, 2018 11:43 am

The bunnies are living here in our protected turkey paddock! Turkeys not really impressed and have tried to run them off a couple of times but OK now. The wood boiled stuff is so much nicer, our local farm does it that way. They nearly didn't do any this year because the squirrels chewed up the lines over the winter and they are expensive to replace but too many people wanted their syrup. Nice to have a good rep like that.
Beltsville Small White turkeys.
Mutt chickens for eggs
RIP Stephen the BSW Tom and my coffee companion.
RIP Lucky the Very Brave Splash Wyandotte rooster.
RIP little Muppet the rescue cat.


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