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Need help identifying the breed

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 11:29 am
by G Williams
I supply eggs for home schooling and take back the chicks if the home schools don't want to keep the chicks they hatch. Some-one else also supplied eggs and I received these chicks back. Can any-one identify the lineage of these chicks. The white one in the first picture seems to be a washed out Buff(more than the photo shows. The little chick by the feeder is darker than the bigger ones (maybe a bantam). I think the gray ones might be Lavender Orpingtons. The others seem to have white tips on their feathers and maybe a pea comb.

Re: Need help identifying the breed

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2020 11:33 am
by G Williams
Please refer to my first post