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Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 11:25 am
by TomK
Okay...advice needed...I am sure this has been covered but i suck at research sooooooo....i have this hen...a lovely RIR , one of seven that i kept from a dayold purchase in June 2016...she came down with vent gleet so i took her into the basement 'spa' facility for recovery and isolation...took almost a week to get things cleared up properly and then i took her out to the coop to her 'crew' at lockup one night....the next morning everything looked good but when i went back in the evening she was nowhere to be seen...she had gotten under a piece of plywood i had temporarily tacked against a hole in the wire mesh between pens, hiding from everyone...missing virtually all her tail feathers and looking quite the 'pope's nose' mess...back to the 'spa' she went...this time to recover from injury ...I am quite certain she would be dead today had that plywood not offered her sanctuary til i found her...she is almost fully recovered now and my question is now what?...obviously she is low man on the pole ....cheers.. :running-chicken:

Re: Re-introduction

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 11:44 am
by Jaye
Is there some way you can create a temporary fenced off area for her in the pen where she can see the others and they can see her, but can't get at her? That's worked for me when integrating young chickens with my existing flock. It usually takes a week or two before they get used to each other. After a time I let them all out to "free range" and scatter treats for all of them. That only works in the warmer months for me though, because none of mine will go out in snow. If you have a big enough pen, you can scatter treats and stay with them to monitor how they react, and be ready to separate if things turn ugly.

Re: Re-introduction

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 11:49 am
by kenya
Agree with Jay, thats probably the best way.
Poor girl, sometimes chickens can be so mean.