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I literally feel sick about the mink killing my chicken

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:00 pm
by Poultryprincess
I just have to vent.... my stomoach is in knots & I feel sick to my stomach.
Its been a REALLY REALLY REALLY rough 15 years.
( 12 deaths & 16 surgeries, dog attack & numerous meltdowns )

The last 3 months, 2 aunts died, & last weekend my father died
We had 4 house deals that have collapsed in the last 2 months

Tonite chickens were screaming, ran out there & a MINK has my Showgirl by the throat.
I chased him off, he ran back in a few times but i wouldn't leave the outside pen.
Went inside & found my sweet Frizzle girl was missing her head.
Spent the next few hours moving birds to where I "hope" is a safe zone for tonite.

YES I know that in the whole scheme of life, a dead chicken is not a catastrophy,
but poop it feels like things are spinning out of control
YES I know that there are Many people who have alot more problems than I do.
I am fortuante in so many damn things in life....but there is a part of me that is frazzled.
With SO MANY freakin' things going wrong, did I really need another crisis?

THANX for listening....there is Nothing to be done, but damn I'm pissed, angry, tired & wore out :sSig_censored:

Re: I literally feel sick about the mink killing my chicken

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:37 pm
by Happy

I'm so sorry for all of the loss you've experienced :(

Re: I literally feel sick about the mink killing my chicken

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 5:36 am
by Killerbunny
SO sorry to hear that. Hope your others are OK.

Re: I literally feel sick about the mink killing my chicken

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 6:59 am
by Jaye
So sorry to hear that your father passed away. That in itself is a terrible personal loss. Add everything else on top of that - the loss of your aunts, your beloved chickens - and it's no wonder your stomach is in knots. I can understand that you must be feeling at your wit's end. Big hugs to you.

Re: I literally feel sick about the mink killing my chicken

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 8:51 am
by WLLady
oh PP i'm so sorry! hugs...hang in there...not much we can do when life decides to smack ya and then kick ya while you're down, just hang on and it will get better.
till then, pull up a comfy lawn chair and a 22 and wait for that mink to come back (or set up some traps; or both)

Re: I literally feel sick about the mink killing my chicken

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 11:02 am
by kenya
Oh that's so sad. I know how you feel I went through a period like that, I couldn't believe life just kept throwing nasties my way. I survived it but was very depressed and sad for a long time.

Re: I literally feel sick about the mink killing my chicken

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 12:19 pm
by goatgal35
Sending hugs and positive thoughts your way.

Re: I literally feel sick about the mink killing my chicken

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 12:38 pm
by kenya
Did your little showgirl survive?

Re: I literally feel sick about the mink killing my chicken

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 7:51 pm
by baronrenfrew
Aye, my heart goes out to you.

Re: I literally feel sick about the mink killing my chicken

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 9:12 pm
by Poultryprincess
The Showgirl is still alive. She has a nasty bite on her throat / neck
I put meds on it right away. Also gave her medicated water.
The roo kept attacking her, so I had to separate the poor girl.
Just as well since there was blood on her feathers.

I spent the better part of the day making a secure plywood box to put @ the end of the live trap.
The box is plywoond on 4 sides, Thick mesh on one, & a plywood locked trap door.
The mesh side is secured to the back end of the live trap.

The trip lever has sardines smeared on it.
I read that a piece of the dead bird killed the nite before is good bait
But most sites said Live bait is the best.

The young girl has 15 inches of cage to escape to,
the dirty shavings are also in the cage.

PLEASE PLEASE let me catch the damn Mink tonite.
None of the birds were allowed in their outside pens today.
It was hot & humid today, & the weekend will be worse.

Oh & a few showing today for the house.
Felt like saying "go away....I have bigger problems to solve"
But hey, the extra $$$ means a bigger farm & More birds.