Good Morning!

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Re: Good Morning!

Post by ross » Wed Jan 06, 2021 6:58 pm

That should settle things down , NOT

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Re: Good Morning!

Post by Ontario Chick » Wed Jan 06, 2021 10:26 pm

Bit surprised there wasn't more security in place, surely they must have suspected something like might happen

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Re: Good Morning!

Post by Killerbunny » Thu Jan 07, 2021 5:55 am

Apparently Dumpy turned down a request for the National Guard???
Beltsville Small White turkeys.
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RIP Lucky the Very Brave Splash Wyandotte rooster.
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Re: Good Morning!

Post by Farrier1987 » Thu Jan 07, 2021 10:29 am

Well good morning might be stretching it, but here I am. I am glad I dont live in the US.

And the ever faithful Catherine is fetching me coffee and stuff while I sit in the chair. Does chores, coddles me a little, Doing wifely things like that. Finally, after 26 years, she is getting it. Bloody shame I had to go bust my leg for her to finally get the hang of things.

So I was doing evening chores about 530 on Monday. Finished pretty much everything. Walk across the muddy barnyard in my old rubber boots, heading for the gate to go back to the house. There are a couple chunks of old railroad tie for stepping stones, sort of half buried. Stepped on one. Well sort of stepped on one. Zick! My foot goes off sideways off, foot goes in the mud. I try not to fall in the mud but do anyway. Foot wedges. Railroad tie becomes part of a physics lesson.

Everyone should learn about fulcrums and lever arms (or in this case lever leg). If the lever arm is not strong enough, it will fail. My right fibula was the lever arm, and it failed. I heard it crunch, and there was movement where there should be none. Only slight movement, but movement all the same. No pain, just realization that I wasn't walking to the house. So I bellowed to attract the attention as I crawled on hands and knees through the muck to the gate. The Catherine just ignored me, pretended she didnt hear. One dog in the house one out. Lop, (the hero) started to bark, and Ranger (inside) heard, and joined the chorus. After about half an hour, herself got tired of it and went to let Ranger out. At that time I apprised my life partner there was a problem.

So to make a long story short (I know, I know, its too late for that) we went to emerg where we spent a pleasant five hours. I told them I had broken my fibula about 2 inches (50.8mm) above the ankle. They exrayed and said: "You have broken your fibula, about two inches (50.8mm) above the ankle." So they put me in that plastic airboot casty kind of thing and sent me home, where I am now doing my best imitation of an invalid.

CATH! CATH! MORE COFFEE! Golly it takes her a while, but she is working on it.

Oh, and when we got home from emerg, there was a phone message. They wanted me to start pruning in the orchard the next day, which I had actually wanted to do. Doc had said six weeks to heal, but I could do whatever I am comfortable doing, use my best judgement. So weather and body cooperating, I may prune some with this contraption on my foot. Tie a grain sack around it and it might be ok, shall see.

Catherine wants me to start today or tomorrow, but I dont want to hurry things.

Farrier1987. South of Chatham on Lake Erie. Chickens, goats, horse, garden, dog, cat. Worked all over the world. Know a little bit about a lot of things. No incubator, broody hens.

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Re: Good Morning!

Post by Killerbunny » Thu Jan 07, 2021 10:34 am

Oh yikes that gives me the hab dabs just thinking about it! SCary thought that I tend to wander about out back with no cell phone and often no coat (yes we used to live in the north country where they know what cold is). Hope I don't slip and hurt self.
Beltsville Small White turkeys.
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Re: Good Morning!

Post by WLLady » Thu Jan 07, 2021 9:59 pm

Take it easy farrier. Let it heal.

I have decided its not jan 7 2021. It is in fact dec 38 2020. And 2020 never left.

We lost ted at 3 am this morning to sudden heart failure. Went from okay being checked every couple of hours to not great phoned the emerg vet to gone in 30 minutes. The emergency vet didnt even make it to the farm in time to see him alive. He was going to be 26 this spring.
We will miss him. We are hoping molly will adjust to being companioned by the birds cats and us as we do not want any more large animals. If she is still struggling in a week or two we will find a home for her with other horses. Till then the routine atays the same. A visit before work and a longer visit in the evening with grooming etc. Hopefully she will adjust.

Out of the frying pan (2020) and into the fire (2021) apparently. Sigh
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Re: Good Morning!

Post by ross » Thu Jan 07, 2021 10:38 pm

So sorry Guys been there never gets easy .

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Re: Good Morning!

Post by Killerbunny » Fri Jan 08, 2021 6:33 am

Damn, so sorry to hear that Kathy. It's always rough.
Beltsville Small White turkeys.
Mutt chickens for eggs
RIP Stephen the BSW Tom and my coffee companion.
RIP Lucky the Very Brave Splash Wyandotte rooster.
RIP little Muppet the rescue cat.


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Re: Good Morning!

Post by WLLady » Fri Jan 08, 2021 8:36 am

well, i can say with 100% certainty there was nothing we could do in the end, and he definitely had a good life for the 10 years we had him. His farrier dropped by to say bye and the neighbour with a backhoe came and dug the hole for us. so he's in the field forever now. Molly is doing okay, i was greeted this morning and i swear she hugged me (okay, i had a carrot so i might be imagining it).
on a good point my duck that was injured by a too amorous drake has healed up well, and will likely be back with her flock this afternoon. we're finally getting eggs from the chickens (I'm dreading eggs from the ducks again this year lol) it's time to think about which birds to hatch from this year. i think it's going to be my silver welbar lines. i'll set them up in a horse stall, and then move everyone else out free ranging in the spring. we had huge flocks of swans flying over yesterday and the day before....going north....i don't get it. this weather is weird. i hope we do get some cold (i don't care about snow. but please kill the bugs). ah well. and once we have everything all set for the spring i'm going to convert a part of the barn into a workshop, insulated and heated. we were going to build a shop, but since we decided no more large animals and with molly it will be about half the hay we don't need a lot of storage space for that any more. we'll see. hope everyone has a good day.
:giraffe: Pet quality wheaten/blue wheaten ameraucanas, welsummers, barred rocks, light brown leghorns; Projects on the go: rhodebars, welbars

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Re: Good Morning!

Post by kenya » Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:13 am

@WLLady My condolences, losing a horse is so hard and getting rid of the body is hard on top of everything else. Sounds like he had a wonderful life with you. Hopefully your girl will be fine.


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