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Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 9:49 am
by poultry_admin
Good morning guys.
sorry! the lights gone and we are back to "normal"; hopefully... Let me know if you have any issues now with the lights gone...

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 9:58 am
by Killerbunny
Oh well, it was fun!

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 10:05 am
by labradors
It WAS fun :).


Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 10:53 am
by Brebis
Yes, it was fun while it lasted!

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 7:49 am
by Ontario Chick
Good morning,
Started the New Year with a bang, first time since August the puppy slept until daylight!
After four month of getting up before 6am, 7 am seems like sleeping in :-)
I never bother making New Years resolutions, this year I will hope that people get little smarter, no harm in wishful thinking right? :wine:

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 9:13 am
by Killerbunny
Aaw your little girl is growing up!
For the last 3 days my little grey girl (olive eggs) has given me eggs again. Not bad for 4 1/2 years old!

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 7:03 pm
by Bayvistafarm

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 7:18 pm
by Bayvistafarm
Looks like it did.

I took many home movies in to get them converted... and go thru sometimes one a day, and write down the events. I can hardly believe this clip....I let my 8 year old daughter climb the silo in those cloggy shoes/boots, to throw a stuffed monkey off the silo with a parachute. Earlier, the kids wrapped an egg in a plastic cup, and threw it down. The one whose egg didn't break won. Melissa won the egg toss, LOL. The silo is 75 feet high!! I would NEVER allow any of my grandkids up there, if I was around, lol. The things we did back then for fun after all the chores/work for the day was done. ... 2yrtHxvkuA

I made some lowfat muffins today out of ground toasted oatmeal. Turned out not bad! no flour, no butter...
Jan 3rd squirrel.jpg
Horrible a s s picture, but went back late... 4pm to cabin... put a fire on, and waited for the flying squirrels. You can see one in the bottom... its shining eye... and one is inside under the roof of the feeder. After I filled the feeder, and put feed on the board down below the cabin, I was sitting inside and a whole flock of cardinals came in!! Wow. I RARELY see them up here, and I've never seen so many back there at a time. The great horned owl was hooting.... it was so nice back there. So mild out.

I called my dad today, and got a grocery list from him. Tomorrow morning, I will brave walmart, leaving here at 6:30am, getting his stuff, and putting it in the freezer until Tues. morn, when I will leave here at 7am, go see him, and travel to Owen Sound, where my mom was moved. To another hospital (why we don't know, especially when a worker in the hospital told my sister, that she was swapped out with an man with Alzheimer's)... so why upset her, unless she was becoming a royal pain in the ass. Shes waiting for a LTC home... but we all know how that is. Right now, this hospital is better, as it has a dementia actual wing... blah blah blah. If I knew life was going to turn out the way its going, I wouldn't have been born, lol.

I think back to school around here, is the 11th of Jan, for elementary kids. Highschool Jan 25. But I'm sure they will be calling me to fill in, for losers that need a day off, usually on a Friday or something. A lot of people get sick Thursday night.

Well, better hit the bath I guess. Have a good night.

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 9:08 am
by WLLady
hope you had a good trip bayvistafarm!
just an FYI the calendar is uploaded case you didn't see it. 2021 PTO calendar

been one of those weeks so far. sick horse. on antiinflammatories, slowly getting better but the antiinflammatories has him impatient and loopy....sigh. nothing like a stubborn impatient demanding old 2000 pound horse. he was actually trying to break the water trough yesterday, so we had to have a discussion....i think we made up this morning.....will be getting the vet out next week for a cushing's test again. up to our knees in muck and mud. can't get the field to dry out at all, which means dirty messy everywhere, and rain scald on the other horse from constantly being wet. 2 ducks are in the sick house now, one from an over zealous male, and the other on the receiving end of the over zealous male being territorial. argh. and back to work and i can see the refrigerated truck brought in to the hospital next door because the morgue is full... and the case count here is much for staying home and not spreading the virus around. yep, society learned their lessons well from the news overseas (NOT!). oh well. maybe a quick trip sometime to get ducks to in drop and go....and i'm going to get some pelletted shavings and see if that will help dry up the horse stall and the entrance to the barn where the horses come in and out. not sure if we're going to actually stop raining any time soon. it's feeling decidedly like vancouver winter weather here!

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:56 pm
by Killerbunny
And in case anyone didn't see it there is a total poop show going on down south including talk of invoking 25th amendment to remove the President to preserve democracy.