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Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 7:21 pm
by labradors
Ugh! I agree that the week of abx was bad. I was prescribed Cipro (for no good reason) by a dentist once and it messed with my stomach. I bought some probiotics which seemed to help. Could have been these bifidobacterium bifidum:


Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 6:05 am
by Killerbunny
OK it's stil July and it's 11C outside - yikes!

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 7:07 am
by Brebis

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 7:36 am
by Kbr42
Killerbunny wrote:
Sat Jul 31, 2021 6:05 am
OK it's stil July and it's 11C outside - yikes!
7c here..but hey......I'm sitting in sweats..thinking might need a fire :wave:

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 10:30 am
by Ontario Chick
It was 22C in the house on Thursday and I said "if it goes any lower we will be turning on heat" should never make bad jokes !!!!
It was 21C in the house yesterday, DH is always cold , didn't quite turn on the heat, but pulled out some extra blankets....while repeating, it's still July, it's still July.....;)

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 2:31 pm
by Blizblaz
Not a good morning here...found some remains (and very little) of what I assume was a hen who decided to make herself a nest outside. Found some feathers around an overturned wheelbarrow with a bunch of eggs, and the remains around back of my quail coop. I count the chickens every night when I close the door, but I guess I’m not counting there any way to stop your hens from wanting to go broody? Im pretty tired of all the drama. My 3 chanteclers go ALL the time, and I have an ameraucana causing trouble in the coop, now this. And then, after thinking I at least have the game camera pointed right at the spot it all went down, I find the SD card blank? So I went from thinking at least I’ll know what it was (and also see what else the roofers, who apparently decided it was fun to touch the electric fence while they were here, finally fixing the roof that blew off at the end of March, were up to), to now I don’t even know if the game cam is working right, and wondering what ate my chicken. I did wake up at 5 this morning to chase a raccoon off my deck who was trying to get in at my deck quail. I don’t feel like a raccoon would have eaten the hen so thoroughly, though, then went to find a quail for dessert. But I guess I have no clue about that one. All the eggs were left behind - some a little broken.
On the bright side, I got out to pick some raspberries and blueberries before it rained.

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 3:49 pm
by WLLady
aw sorry about the chicken/quail blizblaz. And trail cameras can be super uber irritating to set up! Most of them have a feature that turns the light on when set up correctly while you are closing them up so you know you did it okay....but if it's motion tripped and whatever it was was not in the right distance it may not trip. I hope you get it figured out! i know i've uttered some unladylike language setting up trail cameras!
Which reminds me, it's almost time to get them set up. although surgery in sept will definitely nuke my hunting season. completely. another argh.

Thunderstorms rolling through here all day. sound nice, but the windows open and windows closed is getting a bit tiring. lol. it's 22C here, varies from 17-24....a bit of a warm/chilly/warm/chilly day with the wind LOL. we were up in the north paddock, i was sitting on the tractor blade while DH was puttering around and the cat was annoying me....i was sitting with my knees barely an inch from our electrics, the cat on the other side of the 5 foot blade from me talking up a storm about something while randomly digging her claws into my leg if i wasn't paying her was everything i could do to not "accidentally" touch the fence with my knee while sitting on the metal blade and touching her LOL. i didn't...and i don't just randomly touch my fence, or any electrics after seeing what bayvista's fencer is capable of hahahaha!!!! her son's friend found out the hard way....

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 4:20 pm
by JimW
Hello PTO,

I am still alive. :)

Last Spring after my heart surgery I went "all in" back with a bunch of poultry again and rabbits and new veggies gardens and lots of fishing.... well it was too much.... gave away most of my birds and the rabbits and did not plant any veggies this year... just growing weeds. So I am now just fishing and have a few older birds that are just hanging around here putting in their time.

My heart is good.... still struggling with trying to lose weight and live healthier, I would have thought my double bypass surgery would have been better motivation... but still a struggle.

I might add a few birds this fall so I can at least get some eating eggs.

I hope everyone is doing well.


Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 5:55 pm
by Killerbunny
Nice to see you back. Looked from the last photo that you're winning the weight battle.

Re: Good Morning!

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 9:33 pm
by WLLady
Hi Jim!!!!! Ug the weight loss thing. Some of us are born to struggle i swear. I can look at food or think of food and gain weight without even touching it. Sigh. Keep your chin up. One step at a time. I am very glad the heart is good!!!! Sometimes we need a break. We are downsizing and reorganizing here. Since losing ted our one horse and the other is getting older fast, and my mobility getting worse we are looking at doing what we can but with less to take care of. We will plant trees, we are taking out the 4 high maintenance fruit trees (black knot and leaf spot constant fungiciding) and putting in lots of perennial gardens and less grass.... Fewer birds... Mine are all getting older too lol. Funny how that happens fast too - and to me too and not just the birds haha.
Hang in there.... One step at a time. And good to see you here again!