Good Morning

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Re: Good Morning

Post by WLLady » Thu Mar 24, 2022 8:33 pm

She is looking amd acting much more herself today! Healing well.
still not impressed with not being able to scratch or chew on her chew but at least it looks nice and clean and dry and the swelling is way down.
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Re: Good Morning

Post by kenya » Fri Mar 25, 2022 3:13 am

Poor baby!

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Re: Good Morning

Post by Ontario Chick » Fri Mar 25, 2022 10:31 am

Oh the poor thing, at least if one knew they would learn the lesson !

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Re: Good Morning

Post by Killerbunny » Fri Mar 25, 2022 1:37 pm

The expression on that face!
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Re: Good Morning

Post by WLLady » Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:00 pm

Lol she was so sleepy with the pain drugs. Shes figured out how to chew a chew tonight. Happy camper
:giraffe: Pet quality wheaten/blue wheaten ameraucanas, welsummers, barred rocks, light brown leghorns; Projects on the go: rhodebars, welbars

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Re: Good Morning

Post by Bayvistafarm » Sat Mar 26, 2022 8:25 pm

Good evening!! Its getting SO cold outside!! Took a trip (my bi-weekly Paisley/Walkerton) today, washed dad's sheets asa we got there, so we could dry them, and make the bed, before we left to see mom in the home. Unloaded and put away his groceries I buy down here, and take up. Got home around 5:30pm... and the wind!! I guess it was blowing all the way home... and squalled... but light snow... looked like fog in the distance. Its supposed to get really cold again, and it figures, I have taken most of my heated fonts/buckets in, and washed them, and put them away in the basement. Ugh. Oh well.... if the plastic water fonts go to freeze in the barn... I will just put plain buckets in for a couple days... and hack out the ice. Shouldn't be too bad... it really wasn't a bad winter for freezing stuff up in the barn. The cattle are down below, and a couple doors are open to the top (mainly for putting straw down to bed), for ventilation, and the cattle heat helps keep the upstairs warmer.

Set 86 eggs last Monday. At least I think it was Monday. I didn't write it down, lol. Of course. I did get some eggs from my niece. 12 Coronation Sussex.... 8 Black Copper Marans....and 8 lavendar Orphingtons. Shes already hatched some in end of January, and every egg was fertile. On the other hand... a friend... not sure if she checks in on here, set 88 eggs, and only 4 were fertile!! I really feel bad for her, such a bummer!! She checked at day 9. OMG... I would just die! I cracked and ate 6 random eggs from my girls..... sometimes I get 11 or so a day... and all 6 were fertile. I'm thinking hes a 'self blue' Ameracauna.... not sure actually... but a friend of mine was given eggs to put in an incubator... and the breeds were all supposed to be pure breds. he looks just like a picture of one of them on the Ameracauna site.... WLLady thought he was a blue... I was calling him grey, lol.

I'm doing the dry incubating, and dry hatching method again. Seeing as how the relative humidity is HIGH around here, with non stop rain/snow... I'd say its a good idea. For years, I'd add water to the incubator wells... and have LOTS of jellied dead chicks. Switched to dry incubation/hatch... and had about 90% success rate!! The first hatchlings boost the humidity anyhow... so I think it works great!

I made a dumb mistake and bought 10 lbs of EACH of 5 varieties of seed potatoes a couple months ago.... and heard since, that they are sold out!! Well, they sold out quite a while ago. I have ALL my dumb potatoes in the cold storage. Thought I would try that room this year, to prevent sprouting, as it was much colder in there. Well, 10 ft tentacles down there. GOD. I have since read, if you keep apples down with your potatoes, it helps prevent sprouting. With so many apple trees around here, I certainly plan on keeping LOTS with them this fall. I also read, keeping onions with them will cause them to sprout. Well, my onions are keeping well, NO green sprouts showing on top or inside... they are NOT with the potatoes, but the garlic is. So..... perhaps that had something to help the sprouting along. Course, they sprouted last year too... but the onions were a short distance away. I will get it right some day. I'm 61 years old... I guess you never stop learning stuff. The potatoes are soft... but I can rip off the sprouts, and use them, they taste and cook up just fine. So far. Just hate throwing so many away!!! Course, I grew 5 rows of potatoes just for me, and have TONS of garlic left over. Grew 114 bulbs last year, and still have about 80!!!!! I only planted about 75 last fall.

Got my seeds from Tomato Supply Company. The BEST place to buy tomato and pepper seed! Thousands (well,seems like thousands) of varieties and so many sizes etc! Love the giant jalapeno's... they make SUCH GREAT stuff Jalapeno poppers!!! I have such a great recipe for them.... they are totally awesome fresh... but I have vacuumed packed and froze them as well. While they are not as great, they are still totally delicious. Good if you wrap them in bacon, and broil them!!

Jeremy (gary's son), Heather (his wife), and son Jacob... all had the covid run thru them. It took 12 days before Heather came down with it. Jeremy got if first. Then quite a while later... The friday of March break actually... we all went bowling with the fam for Gary's birthday, and Gary bowled 5 pin with the kids.... (we all did 10 pin), I saw Gary hug Sawyer... I was eating at a table alone... Sawyer came over, and was talking with me (mask down.. he was drinking)... and that night, awoke with no voice/raspy throat. She tested him, and he was positive for covid. He was pretty much over it... when Dave came down with it. Dave had it a bit worse... sore throat... slight cough... but double ear infection. Course, Dave gets an ear infection with a mere cold. Hes had drains put in his ears numerous times as a kid, and as an adult. He needs more again. Anyhow, seeing as how the rest of them were housebound because of dave.. I went and got a script for him. Jess called the Doctor (last Saturday), and he prescribed an antibiotic, based mostly on his medical history. He really could go get tubes again. hes flown twice to Newfoundland, and the trip nearly killed him because of the pressure in his ears. Hell, going down the Dundas hill, makes his ears pop and pain.

Anyhow, all is well now, and both Gary and I didn't come down with covid. I actually believe I may have had it a could months ago... could have been a plain cold... my throat didn't bother me at all... but had the phlegm wad in the throat....sinus's hurt.. and was SO tired, more than normal for a few days. Was achy too... but figured it was from NOT doing much, lol. I go see my mom bi-weekly, and have never tested positive. And drive the school bus too... and now of course, even tho Hamilton board opted to keep masking in schools and bus til April 1st... lots of kids come on the bus without. And we are to transport them, and say NOTHING. I will continue to wear the mask, because of my parents, and my husband, who has farmers lung... while driving the bus.

My geraniums and salvia's need to be transplanted out of the cell packs, and into bigger containers. My saved Timmies cups. I had a mouse in the greenhouse, I discovered... and poison baits took care of that critter. I disposed her in the garbage. Gary took some wide boards and covered the seams in the original wood base... because its costly running a heater in there, when it gets below freezing, which its going to be a cool spring.

We go get coloured diesel for our furnace tank... and a normal $350 load cost us $750!!!!!! OMG... with the price of chicken feed gone up $$ a bag.... hydro is costly... fuel is out of this world.... I don't know how people are going to survive!!

I'm getting that pressure canner going this summer, and I'm going to can my squash, and even potatoes and beans. Free up the freezer for more meat... going to put my own meat birds in this later summer. But.. I'm going to book them in, before I even buy them. I've paid my 'sister-in-law upwards of $45 a bird... and I'm sure I can raise them cheaper than that. Mind you, they are 8-9 pounds and super delicious without all the bother of raising/transporting/bringing them home .

Well.... I stopped at the liquor store on the way home today, and picked up some coolers... I have my dads credit card for his groceries, but Costco only takes the mastercard... so he 'owed' me $35 or so.. so I used his card there, lol. I'm sucking back a black fly Vodka Sour Raspberry, and YUMMMM!! Course, I don't drink much at all, and even after supper, its gone to my head, and I'm dizzy and tired. Besides, I go to bed around 8pm... after Jeopardy during the week, but wake around 3am... like this morning... so I'm ready, lol. When I set the alarm for an hour later than I usually get up.. my phone said 'alarm set for 9 hours and some minutes"... and I laughed.... so after 7 hours of sleep... my body was awake, and ready to wake up. I read some.... and did fall back asleep, but for only 20 minutes or so. Felt like crap when the alarm went off, lol.

Glad Sally is on the mend WLLady. Rodents all the way around, are miserable creatures... but serve a purpose, I suppose, lol.

Our maple syrup run was short. Gathered one batch, and boiled. 8 litres of syrup. Then gathered not enough to boil, and the weather turned, and the trees said... nope. The pails are still on... the weather again will be suitable for sap to run, but will it? The stuff gathered is old.. and I bet will need to be tossed.

Have a great rest of the weekend!!

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Re: Good Morning

Post by Farrier1987 » Mon Mar 28, 2022 11:27 am

Mother hen with seven chicks this frigid morning. Getting the standard birthday meal of boiled egg. For me, works better and more easily available than chick starter. And no brooder lights and such fooling around. Seven out of 8 hatched.
Mother knows best.
Mother knows best.
Farrier1987. South of Chatham on Lake Erie. Chickens, goats, horse, garden, dog, cat. Worked all over the world. Know a little bit about a lot of things. No incubator, broody hens.

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Re: Good Morning

Post by ross » Mon Mar 28, 2022 1:49 pm

Organic birthing Farrier . I love it . Only way here

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Re: Good Morning

Post by WLLady » Fri Apr 01, 2022 8:02 pm

Hiya! Just a quick note that we have made some changes to hopefully make things a bit easier for cell phone users. The pic of the month can make it difficult to read whats being typed in the text box if the photo is darker so we have opted to move the pic of the month to the top banner. However you will notice that there are different photos on each page because we opted to use all this years picture of the month photos. We will keep adding the winner(s) to the other photos in the top of the screen until the end of the year. That way they are posted and cell phone users can see what they are typing. Hope this works for everyone. If you do not see the updated photos just refresh your browser.
:giraffe: Pet quality wheaten/blue wheaten ameraucanas, welsummers, barred rocks, light brown leghorns; Projects on the go: rhodebars, welbars

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Re: Good Morning

Post by Happy » Sat Apr 02, 2022 7:28 am

WLLady wrote:
Fri Apr 01, 2022 8:02 pm
Hiya! Just a quick note that we have made some changes to hopefully make things a bit easier for cell phone users. The pic of the month can make it difficult to read whats being typed in the text box if the photo is darker so we have opted to move the pic of the month to the top banner. However you will notice that there are different photos on each page because we opted to use all this years picture of the month photos. We will keep adding the winner(s) to the other photos in the top of the screen until the end of the year. That way they are posted and cell phone users can see what they are typing. Hope this works for everyone. If you do not see the updated photos just refresh your browser.
Yay! Love this👏👏👏

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