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Re: Fort Coop!

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 4:53 pm
by thegawd
well after all the freezing rain n what not yesterday the pond is FULL! ducks n geese are loving it! I dont really think im guna have to seal it with anything. The turkeys dont realize its 2 feet deep now but as soon as the take a couple steps they turn around and get out. in the spring Im guna have to dig in an overflow to the field and figure a way to filter it. im also guna need a load of peastone to keep the sediment down and provide a place for bacteria to live and break down the crap. I was so excited to see the geese swimming!

2015-12-29 16.18.461451983626.png
2015-12-29 16.18.461451983626.png (210.52 KiB) Viewed 3428 times
2015-12-29 16.19.22-2043316113.png
2015-12-29 16.19.22-2043316113.png (192.61 KiB) Viewed 3428 times

Re: Fort Coop!

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 5:41 pm
by JimW
Looking good. I wish my place looked like that, when ended up with about 6-8 inches of snow, could have been worse, but I think it is here to stay.


Re: Fort Coop!

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 5:42 pm
by Killerbunny
Love it!

Re: Fort Coop!

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 6:33 pm
by baronrenfrew
Al.. I've been reviewing your work.. and I got bad news... It's all wrong... You need to start over.
Your building permits... Where's the engineering plans submitted in triplicate and done on an IBM ball typewriter?
Does it meet building codes?
Health and safety... Do all the workers on site have proper training?
Water management plan?
Soil managamant plan?
Nutrient management plan?
Did the PETA people approve your bird breeding plans?
Did you hold a township bylaw meeting with your neighbours to review noise regulations?
The barn looks old.. Did the historical society approve your re-use of that shed?
Did union members do the job? or at least approved contractors?
With that square footage you might need rezoning, commercial usage?
Quota for the number of birds you plan to keep?
You live on a migratory bird flight path, where's your study that your bird keeping won't disturb them?
You are in the Canadian tornado alley... Do your buildings meet necessary building codes for an F5 tornado?
Potential flooding from nearby rivers?
Your carbon management plan given the amount of grain your birds will need? Remember you must meet the CO2 protocols accepted for all flock management from the Paris Accord.
Al, you did a nice effort but its all wrong.. nice first draft!
Dude, you need to start over... And do it right this time.

Oh and the name... Fort Coop , did you run that by the Ontario Property Naming Committee? I think its registered to a group in Kamloops.

(p.s. Just kidding. Nice job! On your vacation you can come and help me with my place!)

Re: Fort Coop!

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 6:53 pm
by Colleen Kinzie
Al. Our pond is just runoff
A lot of clay
Pumped it out 2 years ago and had dug deeper
Snails and goldfish do the trick for algae etc
Mind you if the fish don't die off each winter they get pretty darn big and stir up the water
Read somewhere once a bay of alfalfa hay helps clear the water?
One year. Pond froze solid. All goldfish died. Hubby hung loader bucket over fence for me to dump dead fish in
What a stink!!! Lol

Re: Fort Coop!

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 7:22 pm
by thegawd
Thanks KB, Jim and Colleen! Colleen I have a background with fish so I should be ok once scaled up... I dont plan on keeping fish in it but it would be nice if I could get the water quality up high enough to sustain a few feeder goldfish. Im quite a ways a way from that though! I actually want to make a windmill pump water through a natural filter and dig the middle down to 4 feet.... thats my goal anyways. see what happens.

Bert.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I truely Laughed My BUTT Off! I did review the local bylaws for fences and ponds and made sure to comply 98% with it.... some of my posts arnt 4' in the ground but they are darn close! I was permitted to comply with my design as per my original blueprints that I added the measurements in once i figured them out as i went. I do have this whole thing on paper. an engineer would scratch there head trying to figure out how I did this perfectly square without surveying equipment, lasers and using a 30' tape measure HAHAHAHA! I got the hundred footer once all the long measurements were done. LOL! have you ever seen someone use a water line level? where you take a clear hose as long as you need it and fill it up with water? place the water line from one end on your first mark and then go everywhere else with the other end and mark everything else... i helped build a nice ceder deck that way once... there was a time before lasers. I want to learn all those old and anchient methods. so simple and 100% accurate.

Thanks Man!!!

Re: Fort Coop!

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 7:33 pm
by Killerbunny
Yup, we've used the water level method!

Re: Fort Coop!

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:08 pm
by ross
1/2 bottle a beer on edge of 2/4 helped me build a level front porch once . Looks good Al like Storeybook Gardens in London 's old duck pond . Luck

Re: Fort Coop!

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:11 pm
by thegawd
HAHA Thanks Ross!

Re: Fort Coop!

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:50 pm
by Ontario Chick
Just curious Al, how are you going to keep the pond and the surrounding area clean (or at least not smelly) with the ducks in it in the summer heat?