Two broody hens 3 eggs...

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Jenny d
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Two broody hens 3 eggs...

Post by Jenny d » Mon Jun 15, 2020 11:48 am

dtgyhkyhu (2).jpg
I have two broody hens sharing 3 eggs between them (one day one has them all, the next the other does)
They seem to amicably share the nesting box and eggs.
Do I let them co-hatch the babies? Or do I kick one mama out and let the other hatch all 3?
Does anyone have experience with this?
I want all the chickens :chickennet:

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Re: Two broody hens 3 eggs...

Post by Killerbunny » Mon Jun 15, 2020 12:17 pm

My turkeys do this all the time but I've no idea about chickens.
Beltsville Small White turkeys.
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Re: Two broody hens 3 eggs...

Post by kenya » Mon Jun 15, 2020 4:55 pm

Depends on the hens , some get along great co-brooding others do not and the chicks end up getting trampled over the ensuing fights.

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Re: Two broody hens 3 eggs...

Post by Farrier1987 » Mon Jun 15, 2020 8:34 pm

When I have two broody at the same time, I set one, then wait close to a week before setting the other. When they both hatch at the same time, there is mixups and fights and nobody seems to prosper.
Farrier1987. South of Chatham on Lake Erie. Chickens, goats, horse, garden, dog, cat. Worked all over the world. Know a little bit about a lot of things. No incubator, broody hens.

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Re: Two broody hens 3 eggs...

Post by Kbr42 » Tue Jun 16, 2020 12:09 pm

I have had 2 of my broody silkies co-parent 2 sets of chicks. I had them inside the house in a large cage. Once the chicks started moving around they were fine with the lot of them. The chicks woukd just go to one or the other hen.

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