Information Humidity Parameters for Incubation

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Humidity Parameters for Incubation

Post by Killerbunny » Wed Jan 27, 2021 8:53 am

I came across the best explanation in a while for not putting the humidity to high during incubation and hatching.
This backs up OCs post in another sticky.
Suggested values for incubation phase are 40 - 45% max depending on species.

"It is recommended that the relative humidity during incubation is maintained at relatively low values rather than high. The egg must in fact lose 11 - 13% of its initial weight. In this way it will enable the creation of a large air chamber, which in the next phase of hatching, will enable the chick to dilate its lungs, slit the membrane more easily, take the first breath and start to more vigorously to break the shell.
even during hatching, too high humidity values determine the formation of condensation on the egg, plugging the pores of the shell. This reduces embryo respiration, weakening it and reducing its strength to break the shell. At values of higher than 75% relative humidity, the pores of the shell are completely occluded, leading to the death by asphyxia of the chick!"

I think this vindicates all of us dry hatchers!
Beltsville Small White turkeys.
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