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Making Babies

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 9:02 am
by NormaK
Good luck! Very exciting.

Making Babies

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 10:48 am
by thegawd
THANKS Norma!!!

Making Babies

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 2:43 pm
by kenya
Yes good luck! Always exciting to see what you get.

Making Babies

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 3:24 pm
by muffin57
Awesome Al! You are going to have lots of babies to watch hatch. On Sunday I put in 10 duck eggs, so on this coming Sunday I'm putting in over 2 dozen chicken eggs. Unfortunately we just started to put the dates on the eggs. Some of them are past the 10 days. Good luck on your hatch!

Making Babies

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 12:03 am
by thegawd
Its Official!!!!! the first chick of the year has hatched!!!!!

A Light Brown Leghorn!


Making Babies

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 4:07 am
by windwalkingwolf
Whoo hoo! Fingers crossed for them all! I always wash eggs with smears (usually from mud thankfully lol), it doesn't SEEM to affect hatching, but I don't know for sure and have always only set small batches and staggered hatches, and have never marked eggs that were washed. I think next time I set eggs I'm going to set a huge batch all at once, and wash 1/3 the eggs with soap and water, 1/3 with just water and light rubbing, and 1/3 as laid, and mark them all accordingly. Hens have been avoiding getting muddy and turdy this year, or I might set a few with mud just to see what they do as well. I'm curious now whether washing really does allow more bacteria into the egg...if so, it should be obvious fairly early.

Making Babies

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 4:08 am
by windwalkingwolf
By huge batch, I mean 3 dozen LOL, I learned last year that 36 chicks in the house is my absolute limit!

Making Babies

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 7:59 am
by Poultryprincess
NOTHING cuter than a newly hatched chick.....ummmm well maybe "Brad Pitt", but since he's not in my chicken coop it doesn't count!
LUV Brown Leghorns, I haven't had them for awhile. Could always depend on them for eggs.
Can't wait to see them in your brand new Brooder!!! Congrats Al

Making Babies

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:12 am
by thegawd
Thank you very much ladies! Jan ya most of what I washed off was mud as well, and my understanding is there could be lots of different nasties hidding in there.

Brad Pit ehhh... neeeaaaaaayaaaaaahhhh! get out of my chair! hahahaha (12 monkeys, one of my favorite movies) were all monkeys!

Making Babies

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:50 am
by thegawd
there are 4 out now and tonnes of pips! 1 red and 3 leghorn one LB and 2 black, im not seeing any action on the sharpied ones though.... fingers crossed!!!
Our cat wants to eat them...