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Bluest of blue?

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 12:49 pm
by Penny
I desperately want some blue egg layers! And not just blue, the bluest of blue! lol I've seen everything from pale-barely-blue, to must-be-photo-enhanced-blue, while searching sales ads. I dont really care what breed, but I'm leaning towards Ameraucanaa (I really like the splash & blues) or possibly cream legbars (I'll never purchase another EE again unless its already laying - I have 4 EEs that lay brown eggs). Are there certain strains or breeding projects for Ameraucanas or Legbars that are known to produce a brighter blue egg?

Re: Bluest of blue?

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:28 pm
by kenya
You never really know what intensity of blue a hen will lay untill she starts laying. Quite often earlier in their laying the intensity of blue is more pronounced. Ameraucanas always lay blue eggs, some have a greenish tingue to them though depending on the hen . You are correct you never know with easter eggers what colour you will get.

Re: Bluest of blue?

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 5:53 am
by LongCrow
Maybe not quite as blue as you hope for but True North Hatchery sell hatching eggs from a large flock of Ameraucauna that have been selected for blue colour and good laying for years. Here is the link.

One thing to remember though is a hen that only lays 20 eggs a year generally has a darker egg than one that lays 150

Re: Bluest of blue?

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 2:35 pm
by windwalkingwolf
I'm not sure if she still does sales, but used to have Ameraucanas and Legbars specifically selected for egg colour. I got some roosters that were originally her stock, and got some nice coloured eggs from their daughters.

Re: Bluest of blue?

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 2:14 pm
by Kbr42
My Olive Eggers, Bunny, was laying green eggs up until last week, she now layi g blue eggs. Who knows why. They are very blue.

Cheers .