Vent Gleet

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Head Chicken
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Vent Gleet

Post by labradors » Fri Apr 12, 2024 2:32 pm

Has anyone had any luck using Fluconazole orally for Vent Gleet?

I found a great post by Jaye, and copied it down, thinking that I'd look up dosing after I bought the med, assuming that I could! Turns out that they sell ONE 150 mg capsule for $20! (This hen weighs about 4.8 pounds, so will need 30 mg a day). It would have been lovely to just give the one dose and have it GONE.

I probably should have posted about this sooner, so here's the story for those who are interested. I noticed a chicken who was getting pecked. She became lethargic and was hiding from the rest. Her comb looked a horrendous colour. She wouldn't eat or drink, and I thought we were going to lose her. Turned out that she was egg-bound. We put her in a dog crate in our (darkened) sunroom, and I was able to get some honey water into her. I helped her to expel the egg on the second day (after Epsom Salt baths and a calcium pill).

I realized that she had vent gleet, and have been treating that for almost a month, using Canestan. I gave her kefir and scrambled egg every day, along with her grain, and apple cider vinegar in her water. She re-gained her strength and went back to laying. A friend suggested probiotics which I've been sprinkling over her food. We've nearly finished the second (small) tube of Canestan (should have bought the big one). I had the plastic thingies for inserting the Canestan from before.

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