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Migrating Birds

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 7:47 am
by Kbr42
Well for the last 2 1/2 weeks I've been battling the fall out from all our migrating birds! The first to go was by 7 month old Black Copper Marin. I heard a sneeze and thing I know she was under a bush big and puffy. This is a pullet that I spend a good chunk of my day chasing around my property.
Into the house she came. I treated her with Super Booster.

I'm Glad to say she recovered :banana:

But :doh: not before she infected my 2 oldest girls. Both banty Cochins. 8 and 10 yrs. Not to say, I have soft spots for these two would be an understatement :wave:
Super Booster did nothing! Changed my antibiotic, still water based, did nothing! 3 days of IM injections, I'm thrilled to say they are back out in the hen house :stars: and I'm sorry to say, my Salmon Faveralle is in the house :sAng_banghead:

I should be able to bring her around.

I hate migrating birds sAng_rantTealc:

Re: Migrating Birds

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:28 am
by Killerbunny
Very little we can do except watch for signs. I'm not prepared to keep my birds indoor under cover 24/7! Best of luck with your girls.

Re: Migrating Birds

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:50 am
by Ontario Chick
Scary, I remember I used to watch migrating geese with pleasure, now I just see them as something else to worry about. :(

Re: Migrating Birds

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 4:08 pm
by Kbr42
Well, this is the first day in the last month that I don't have a sick chicken :stars:

They all have been outside enjoying the I on the other hand, picked up some 24 hour thing and am just starting to feel better :doh:

Re: Migrating Birds

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 6:04 pm
by modern17
These respiratory issues are usually viral and have little to do with Migratory birds. The exception would be Avian influenza that has been linked to migratory birds but is severe and depending on the strain deadly . Now with that said .. viruses like Infectious Laryngo Tracheitis can be spread with wild birds such as sparrows and the like. This virus is prevalent in the fall usually the infection happens long before the birds show signs of this virus . but appears when the birds become stressed.. ie short day light , cooler temperatures , wind , wet and a number of other issues that cause stress. It can be vaccinated for as many do . If this is the virus that your birds came down with it will run its course and depending on the strain.. some will bring losses of up to 2/3 of your flock with others strains just making them seem as if they have a cold and they get over it in a few weeks or at least with in a month. Most that have been affected will have the antibodies to fight this virus going forward , while depending on the strain .. may make the survivors carriers. No real way to know with out getting a laboratory test done. I choose to vaccinate , very low cost and protects the birds. Treating them with antibiotics is not helpful , not unlike getting a prescription for a viral cold in humans.. you can treat the symptoms but not the virus its self. The super booster will aid them in keeping their systems up so other issues do not provide a secondary healthy issue. Basically keep them comfortable and let the virus take its course .. by comfort I would use the super booster and clean warm dry quarters ... Just my 2 cents

Re: Migrating Birds

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2018 7:05 am
by Kbr42
@modern17 Thank you very much for your 2 cents! All my birds are fine now and I had no losses. I think in part by me separating sick birds immediately. I added vitamins to the others water and checked the birds every day. I ended up with only 4 sick birds. For next year, where would I get that vaccine.
