Bald necks

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Bald necks

Post by labradors » Thu Dec 01, 2022 10:01 am

My four 3 y.o. chickens have lost a lot of feathers around their necks. I noticed some pecking going on when we removed one of the two nesting boxes, so I put it back. I'm hoping this is due to molting, and hoping it's not because of mites.


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Re: Bald necks

Post by Jaye » Thu Dec 01, 2022 10:38 am

@labradors , you can check for mites by wrapping some Scotch tape - sticky side out - in a circle around your fingers and pressing it against their butt feathers. If there are mites, they will probably show up on the tape. If they do have mites, maybe you can find permethrin dusting powder at your local garden centre?
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Re: Bald necks

Post by labradors » Thu Dec 01, 2022 12:36 pm

Thank you SO much Jaye. I've picked them up and tried to inspect them with no luck, so I'll certainly try the Scotch tape trick!


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