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Integrating chickens

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 9:28 am
by labradors
Any idea how long it takes them to get along?

A few days ago, I introduced 3 new (RTL) chickens to my 3 x 2 y.o. chickens. At least they aren't killing each other and no blood is being drawn, but the oldies are harassing the newbies when they are confined, and I really hate having to put the newbies back in the coop each night because it is so stressful for them. The oldies go up on the perch and the newbies hide out in a nesting box..... During the day, there is enough room for them to coexist (in threes).

Re: Integrating chickens

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 10:52 am
by Ontario Chick
Always a bit of a hassle, I am going to be doing same sometime this week.
Since I am also taking out some of the older hens and putting them in the breeding pen, I am hoping to confuse them ;) but in general terms, anything you have to distract them is helpful, treats given out in couple of separate dishes, grain spread on the ground if bedding is clean, couple of flakes of hay or straw is also helpful.
I try to wait combining them until they can go outside, they seem to be more accepting there, but that is obviously not happening this year.

Re: Integrating chickens

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 11:45 am
by kenya
Some say if you introduce the new bunch at night, hasn't worked for me though. Took about a month before the new one would come out with the older ones, and took to the end of summer before they finally got along.

Re: Integrating chickens

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 1:39 pm
by Happy
Try adding a new perch or rearranging existing perches. My old girls are so possessive and set in their ways that they refuse to let anybody “new” sit anywhere on their perch. Also like others have said a hanging cabbage or a flock block helps. Even apples on a rope (cored and threaded and hung from the ceiling). Any sort of distraction is a good thing.

Re: Integrating chickens

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 1:53 pm
by Ontario Chick
I find it fascinating (yes I have no life) that in the flock of 2 & 3 & 4 year old hens, although they don't fight, they hang together in the original groups, and only if there are "single outsiders" will they "adopt" each other as their group.
the part I find intriguing is that I can't tell them apart, so wonder how they can?

Re: Integrating chickens

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 2:05 pm
by Killerbunny
I find the Wyandottes are always submissive to the other mutt chickens no matter what the age or how long they've been in the group.

Re: Integrating chickens

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 2:54 pm
by kenya
I have one Ameraucana who has never intregated into the group and is always off by herself. She was an only chick, I'll never do that again even if I have to buy some chicks to keep with it. They don't fight with her but she is never perched with them or even near them. She has lived with them for 4 years.

Re: Integrating chickens

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 3:57 pm
by Ontario Chick
kenya wrote:
Tue Apr 09, 2019 2:54 pm
I have one Ameraucana who has never intregated into the group and is always off by herself. She was an only chick, I'll never do that again even if I have to buy some chicks to keep with it. They don't fight with her but she is never perched with them or even near them. She has lived with them for 4 years.
Identical situation here, "Solo" never really integrated, and goes so far away from the flock, I was sure something was going to get her, but I guess she is so ornery even the predators don't want her.