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no-crow collar?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 6:22 pm
by Jaye
I'm hoping someone will weigh in on whether a no-crow collar is a viable option. Recently, Charlie, our resident cockerel, has developed a very "cock-sure" attitude and is announcing himself at the beginning of every day. Again and again. During the week, because I have lights on at 6:15 am in order to be able to take care of feed and water etc., before I leave for work, he's at it before it's even light out: He's gotten louder over the last few weeks while I'm down in the run/coop getting things done. The only way to shut him up is to feed him wild bird seed treats. The problem is that once the others get wind of treats, they are back in the coop, taking over, shooing Charlie and Cilla out into the run. And he, of course, starts up with the crowing again. Our immediate neighbours don't care (much), but the guy behind us has always been a concern. Up until now, he hasn't been spending a lot of time at home during the week, but tonight I see lights on again. I can do up a DIY version of a no-crow collar fairly quickly, but would really like to know others opinions as to whether a) it's humane, and (b) if it's really going to cut down on the decibel level?

Re: no-crow collar?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 9:00 pm
by TomK
Jaye...i know nothing about 'no crow' collars or even if they work, but I have to love the names of your guy here is changing rapidly, outsizing the two girls by almost 50% and his feathering is quite unique...and he is starting to crow...its hilarious...I, of course, don't have a neighbour issue and even if there was anyone within earshot, too bad..its a farm...i do sympathize wih you tho on this matter...can't be was interesting to see them on e few days we had pretty 'crisp' temps here as i water them from large bowls ( aka s/s dog dishes) and they got water freezing on their mohawks in blobs...almost made me want to bring them in to thaw them are gorgeous calm birds..quite pleased.... :run:

Re: no-crow collar?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 11:49 pm
by KimChick
We have 2 roosters ("father and son"), one outside and one in the barn. They crow to each very often throughout the day, starting before the sun comes up.
I did not know there was such a thing as a no-crow collar.

Re: no-crow collar?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 9:14 am
by Jaye

Re: no-crow collar?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 9:37 am
by Jaye
TomK wrote:
Sat Feb 09, 2019 9:00 pm
Jaye...i know nothing about 'no crow' collars or even if they work, but I have to love the names of your guy here is changing rapidly, outsizing the two girls by almost 50% and his feathering is quite unique...and he is starting to crow...its hilarious...I, of course, don't have a neighbour issue and even if there was anyone within earshot, too bad..its a farm...i do sympathize wih you tho on this matter...can't be was interesting to see them on e few days we had pretty 'crisp' temps here as i water them from large bowls ( aka s/s dog dishes) and they got water freezing on their mohawks in blobs...almost made me want to bring them in to thaw them are gorgeous calm birds..quite pleased.... :run:
I'm very partial to my Brabanters as well ... they have lovely personalities, and as you say, they are really attractive birds. I noticed this morning that Charlie has a few saddle feathers that have a green sheen to them. No idea whether that's proper. I just think he's turning into very nice looking rooster, though he isn't that much bigger than Cilla. Maybe he hasn't finished growing yet. Cilla has the "fluffier" crest and the lacing on it is really pretty. The spangling on her body is getting better and better too. Must get some more pics today. :-)

Re: no-crow collar?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 12:08 pm
by kenya
Someone I know has the no crow collars on his roosters as he lives in the city and has neighbors all around him. I asked him if they worked and he said sorta. He said you have to have them on fairly tight to really work.
Do I think they are humane? Yes , why not if the alternate is having to do him in.

Re: no-crow collar?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 1:28 pm
by windwalkingwolf
Jaye wrote:
Sat Feb 09, 2019 6:22 pm
I'm hoping someone will weigh in on whether a no-crow collar is a viable option. I can do up a DIY version of a no-crow collar fairly quickly, but would really like to know others opinions as to whether a) it's humane, and (b) if it's really going to cut down on the decibel level?
Disclaimer: I've never used one, so the only information I have is anecdotal ;) . I considered buying one a while ago for Squirrelly, who was in a cage in the kitchen but is now in my basement: he is a very, VERY shrill little guy that sounds off starting about 4:15 in the morning, and doesn't stop until I bring food so he can pretend he's providing for the mamas and chicks I have down there. It's like listening to The Chipmunks singing opera, and it goes right through my head. I didn't feel confident in my ability to make a collar, and I wasn't interested in paying $$ for one already fabricated, so the birds went in the basement :lol:
Online reviews of No-Crow are split down the middle, and people seem to either really love it or really hate it. The key to loving it seems to be a really good fit and snugness and making sure there's nothing the collar could ever get caught on. It makes a rooster sound strangled, which can be difficult to hear, but the rooster himself doesn't seem to notice that anything is unusual! They definitely lower the volume, and I see nothing cruel about them if they fit right. I would say give it a try.

Re: no-crow collar?

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 8:03 am
by Jaye
Thanks for weighing in, @windwalkingwolf and @kenya . Looks like I'll be hauling out the sewing machine and re-purposing the lining from one of DH's old shop vests tonight. This morning he carried on long after I'd left the coop/run and his voice seemed to carry even more than usual. Sorry Charlie, but if you can't keep it down at 6:00 in the morning, I have no choice but to try the no-crow collar.

Re: no-crow collar?

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 8:17 am
by Killerbunny
Like they say, beats the alternative!

Re: no-crow collar?

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 12:26 pm
by Shnookie
A person in Saskatchewan tried the collar. He said it didn't work at all on his rooster. Maybe it depends on the breed or personality of the rooster.