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Putting roosters together?

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:05 pm
by Nome89
I was wondering if anyone is successful in having two roosters together? I have a young Brahma rooster that is currently with 11 brahma hens and 8 standard size different breed hens. Then I have a easter egger rooster in with three other hens. I was wondering if I would be able to put them all together or if I should keep them separate... which will mean getting rid of one.. thanks for the help!

Putting roosters together?

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 1:13 am
by windwalkingwolf
Together in with hens? Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't...but always, one will be the dominant rooster and will flog the other if he tries any funny business with the dominant's hens...which will be all of them. If you want to try to merge the two groups, make sure there's a safe spot to hide for one if there's a clear winner and clear loser. It's usually, but not always, the oldest rooster that gets pushed to the sidelines. If the loser is a REALLY big wuss, the others will not let him eat or drink, so he'll need his own access to food and water at least for a bit. The loser may regroup, make peace and claim a lesser spot in the flock, or he may always be an outsider and flogged every time he sticks his head out. It's much easier to keep multiple roosters together if they're distant from any hens. WITH hens, one of the rooster will almost always claim all the hens and the other won't even be allowed to crow.

Putting roosters together?

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 6:35 am
by argosgirl
I haven't had any success putting them together when hens are around. Battle to the death seems to be the rallying cry of my boys, except the Jersey Giant rooster who used to be Top Dog but has since decided he won't fight at all and hides if another rooster gets out with him.

Putting roosters together?

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 10:41 am
by G Williams
if I CAN'T GET 2 ROOSTERS TO LIVE TOGETHER WITH HENS; I put one Rooster in a cage with a covered top, in the corner of the pen. Every 3 or 4 days I switch roosters.
After a while I can get my big clumsy Orpingtons to co-exist. If I put a Light Sussex in with them, he would kill them both!

Putting roosters together?

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:14 pm
by Nome89
Looks like I will be getting rid of my eater egger boy then.

Putting roosters together?

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:54 pm
by Nickyn
I had luck with a Mille Fleur older Roo & a younger (but huge) Silkie Roo.they both crowed, but the ladies belonged to the Mille Fleur. Never fought.

I still have the old Mille Fleur. This morning when I was out cleaning the coop a young Polish started to crow back to him (darn - hoped it was a girl). He looked around startled for a second, then did a little dance around the girls. The polish went over to him crowing & I expected a fight. But instead the Polish tried to snuggle under his wing. They wandered around the coop crowing together while I finished up. Tonight, when tucking them all in for the night they were in their usual spots. I am hoping that I don't come home to a bloodbath one day.

Putting roosters together?

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:15 am
by Killerbunny
Yes I'm concerned about the 3 young boys in with the young girls. Ozzy is a quiet boy but the brahma cross dances for him - silly thing! The partridge chantecler cross is pretty much slated to go because he doesn't dance for the ladies just grabs. SO if anyone wants him before he hits the freezer?

Putting roosters together?

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 11:41 pm
by nekoatsume
I have two together and they seem to be very attached to one another. They did grow up together. If I pick one up, the other comes to his rescue. They're only 8 months old though, time may change their fondness.. They share 9 hens currently.

Putting roosters together?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 9:57 am
by Ontario Chick
nekoatsume wrote:QR_BBPOST I have two together and they seem to be very attached to one another. They did grow up together. If I pick one up, the other comes to his rescue. They're only 8 months old though, time may change their fondness.. They share 9 hens currently.
Starting January they will need close watching, I have had hatch mates out of sight of the girls living in brotherly harmony until one day when somebody took an offence to being romanced by the others and the fight was on. These being Wyandottes, tho most laid back of birds.
Would never try that with the Ameraucana roosters, they are way too easily offended,;)

Putting roosters together?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 12:34 pm
by kenya
I can have the exchequer leghorn roosters living together with the hen's with no problems. I've had my ameraucana standard and bantam cornish live together with hen's with no problems. But each picked a territory that was there's and did not go into the others territory too far. But some roosters you just know are going to be trouble, try them give them lots of hiding places and keep an eye on them.