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Sap is a running!

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:55 pm
by thegawd
I think it needs to be boiled down more still. its very very runny but very very good.

Sap is a running!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:31 am
by TomK
Heres my first boil result...MJ thinks it could be a tad thicker, but the colour is good I think and the flavour, omg!!...I ran it thru a bamboo coffee filter at the end of the boil and its much removed some particulate and the sugar sands...I'm pleased...more today, then rest til Friday..its too warm...

Sap is a running!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:04 am
by thegawd
HECK YA! That looks awesome Man! Ya I want to boil mine down further and run it through a coffee filter like you did. its just as runny as water and there is still lots of fine particulate on the bottom of the jars. oh but it taste amazing though!

Sap is a running!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:36 am
by TomK
Al...yup...thats the trick i think...for me i watch the 218 i get nervous...dont want its experience, which of course i do not have yet...few more years...and this year isnt helping ...too short

Sap is a running!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:42 am
by thegawd
I need a candy thermometer... I have a deep fryer thermometer and it works well when the pot is full but when it boils down there isnt enough in the pot to give an accurate reading. but I might just use a smaller pot so the level will be higher :-)

Sap is a running!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:56 am
by TomK
Al..thats what I did....when it boiled down i took it inside, transferred the sap to a saucepan which is shallower than the stockpot and could accommodate the shorter, 8 inches, thermometer...and there's far less steam at that point too...MJ wasn't concerned as much about her kitchen...lmao...good exhaust fan helps

Sap is a running!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:17 am
by thegawd
well I just filtered the syrup again into a small pot with a coffee filter. Its amazing how much sediment was still in there. got it boiling and keeping a close eye on the temp to spike and call it done!

Sap is a running!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:19 am
by WLLady
That's exactly how i do it too....big pan either on the woodstove or outside fire to evaporate then into smaller pan on the stove. al, if you put it into a soup ladle and pour it out, it should pour in a sheet, not as a single stream when it's done-you will notice as you boil it down it takes less and less heat to have it boil....and it's really easy to "foam" it if you boil it. at that point it's VERY close to being done. the boil will be less like water with bigger bubbles, but will boil and look "snappy"...the bubbles are really small and snap when they hit the surface, not really something you can hear, but it looks totally different. usually i'm at about 40 on the brix when it moves to the stove inside. you can also get a good digital thermometer at cnd tire for about 10$.

Sap is a running!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 10:25 am
by thegawd
OKAY.... NOW I have a finished product! HOLY CRAP IS IT EVER GOOD! Kathy I now know exactly what you mean with the bubbles.... I went outside n came back and the pot was full of candy bubbles! I immediately took it off the heat and filtered it through a coffee filter into the jar. not a spec of sediment and I now have about 3/4 of a jar! Im having a coffee with maple syrup instead of sugar and its soooooooo gooooood mmmm! its no longer the consistency of water and is full on syrup!

Thanks for everyones help! I still have the taps on the trees up at the house so im guna go taste the sap n make sure its still sweet. it was last night anyway.


Im already planning ahead for next year!


Sap is a running!

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 3:38 pm
by thegawd
burnt my last batch real bad! smells like burnt marshmallows but tastes good. not very happy! LOL.

Pulled all the taps, just need to clean n sterilize n put away for next year.... as soon as I get that pot cleaned out I boil it all on the turkey fryer.